chapter 14 - Cingulomania

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Izuku sat at the back of the room, the class was in an overview room that looked over the fake city UA housed. He was beginning to get bored of the curious stares sent to him by his classmates, along with the glares sent from his teacher. Nezu had said he wished to send someone else to observe the class with All Might, though everyone was busy, making it impossible. Izuku knew that was an excuse from the mouse, he had some ulterior motive that no one but him knew about, this was just an elaborate scheme from Nezu.

Eri tapped her brother's shoulder, she was sitting next to him, not letting go of his arm. His head turned towards her, asking 'what's wrong' through his eyes, though it seemed like a weird face from an outsider's view. "What am I going to do?" Izuku understood her worries, he didn't want to leave her either. All Might was incredibly insistent that Eri not leave the room, it almost worried Izuku.

He made a motion with his hands, swirling them in a circle, his fingers facing up. It symbolized his quirk, he was telling Eri he would leave her with a few creatures. Eri nodded in understanding, steeling her mind to the fact that she would be without Izu for a little bit.

Izuku gave her a warm smile, making her determination skyrocket through the roof, she returned his smile tenfold before looking ahead at the battle in progress. All Might explained the exercise very poorly, partially due to the class having already done it, partially to make it harder for Izuku to understand. All Might's handicap didn't affect him at all, he was used to short answers, as well as having to translate gibberish and passive aggressive words into something comprehensible. Kacchan might have also explained the exercise to Eri, Izuku totally didn't eavesdrop on that conversation.

Izuku was to play the villain, along with Mineta, who Izuku thought was planning on sabotaging him. Maybe All Might would try to turn it into a lesson about spies or some other bad excuse to see him fail. Izuku wouldn't complain, he was going to earnestly beat them all fair and square, as fast as he could.

The heroes to their exercise just happened to be Kacchan (who promised not to hold back) and a stoic boy named Shoto Todoroki. Izuku thought that both of their quirks wouldn't be hard to stop, though he only had guesses for Todoroki's quirk.

All Might sent one more glare towards the villain duo in the back before calling up the villains for the next round, which happened to the greenete. All might looked towards Mineta, the boy looked back at him, they shared a nod, solidifying their plan. A certain green bean and pomeranian saw the exchange, they turned to each other, Izuku gave Kacchan that said 'don't mess with their plan, I'll do it myself' the pomeranian obviously didn't understand the look so Eri translated. He gave a hesitant ok, only promising to interfere if it got out of hand.

Izuku stood up from his sitting position, making Eri a giant blanket out of heat, and a cat with a few extra eyes. Eri laughed at the addition, cuddling the strange cat, Izuku gave a small smile. He only gave the cat extra eyes to look at the surroundings, so that he could see at all angles.

Izuku met Mineta outside the room, they shared no words, no plans or strategies. Izuku knew exactly why, he made his own strategy and plans, they were very cut and dry, he wanted to finish the battle fast to go back to Eri, though he knew that it would last longer than he wished.

When they entered the building, Izuku started scattering creatures around, mostly small, just to report the directions of their enemies. He positioned a few larger predators to stall for him while discreetly adding a surveillance to the garbage boy. He loaded the little bug with an electric component, adding the ability to give a serious shock to the grape headed disappointment.

The boy didn't notice, so Izuku added a few more, if the walking trash decided to be a good teammate, they could be used to protect him. The boys traveled to their bomb, immediately a bell rang signalling the start of the exercise. Izuku focused on all of his creatures, seeing the duo enter the building. Kacchan was surprisingly quiet, though neither of them made any effort to hide their presence. 

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