Chapter 38 - Eidolism

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Hello! So I don't know the last time I updated, but I was hit with a bout of writers block! I managed to get this out, and just a warning (For the thousandth time) we are almost to the end of the book! I'm really excited about that! AND, when I'm posting this, the book is at 99k reads, and I cried (good tears I promise) I remember when I got my first 4 reads and how excited I was. I just wanted to tell you guys again that you are godsends. I love each and every one of you with every inch of my heart. I don't know how my life would've went without writing this, but I do know it wouldn't have been half as good.


Izuku looked back at the rest of his group, they each stared back at him. For a tense moment no one said something. The silence was broken by a small sniffle. Everyone's heads turned to Mina, the pink skinned girl being the one who was crying. "I'm sorry, I-I just thought... I don't think I c-can." Izuku understood her. This was more serious than any of them thought it would be, and Izuku certainly wasn't going to stop anyone from leaving the group if they felt the need to. He wouldn't pressure his friends into fighting for something that they weren't comfortable in.

Mina stood up slowly, her knees shaking slightly. Izuku figured that it was probably a bit of shock settling in. Izuku didn't follow as she left, simply watching as Momo and Ochaco followed. Izuku trusted them to take care of Mina, to help each other to make the right decision regarding the group.

Said group all stood from their positions on the ground, Aizawa started ushering them towards their rooms, hoping that a bit of sleep would ease their thoughts.

Izuku faced the window, activating his powers, he started looking for the trace of mechanical energy a broadcast sent out. If he could stop the video from the cat from sending, he would then only have to worry about the person on the other end.

The moment Izuku felt the connection and signal, he paused it. The energy was left in a line of energy floating in the air, startling passerbys slightly, though they've seen enough quirks in action to know not to mess with the string-like light.

Izuku started towards it, ignoring Aizawa's huff in favor of putting his mask on and opening the window. Aizawa stared at Izuku, angry that his son had the gaul to try and take down this unknown entity by himself. "Izuku! Where do you think you are going." Aizawa didn't wait for an answer, "You won't go alone! We will wait until there are heroes available tomorrow, then we will find out who is behind this. In the meantime you can sleep." Aizawa tried making his words as final as possible, knowing that Izuku wouldn't listen without resistance.

Izuku looked at Aizawa as if he suggested that Eri had hooves and a tail, but upon seeing the look adorning his father's face, he frowned. "This line won't last all night, and it's better that I go alone. It would be safer." Aizawa shook his head again, preparing once again to try and convince Izuku otherwise, but before he could manage a word out, Izuku leapt out of the open window.

Aizawa shouted, reaching for Izuku, only managing to graze his fingers on the corner of Izuku's villain uniform. He quickly followed Izuku, leaping out of the window and landing on the solid ground below.

Izuku gathered the line of energy in his hand, gathering it into a ball as he went. Izuku managed to leap over the U.A. gate, landing on a rooftop nearby.

Aizawa did the same, a few seconds behind Izuku. They leapt from rooftop to rooftop, Izuku hoping that Aizawa would lose his track in the dark.

The chase continued for a few minutes before both started to tire, they knew one of them had to end it, but Aizawa knew he didn't have the resources to do so. If he deactivated Izuku's quirk it would erase the only line to their spy. He was stuck. Izuku, however, gathered the ball of energy before throwing it behind him. In a few seconds it had grown to be the size of a building and towered over both men.

Aizawa stopped, blocked by the giant energy field while Izuku continued running. When Aizawa attempted to move, the wall moved too, blocking any exit, when Aizawa moved backward, it too moved. At this rate, the man knew that he'd end up back at U.A. and he couldn't have that, so instead he pulled out his phone, dialing the only number he thought could help him.



Izuku looked back slightly, seeing his father trapped, it didn't bring him the sense of joy it normally would. Instead he felt cold, he was being reckless, he knew that, but he couldn't bring himself to care. Izuku had to protect his family, and if that meant he couldn't let them follow him, then so be it.

Izuku followed the line to an all too familiar Yakuza base. His face twisted into a scowl, would they be as stupid to try and steal Eri back? They knew that Izuku's vigilante persona saved her, and it seemed too late to try and get her back, but could this be related to All Might being here? There were too many questions for Izuku, and he knew the only answers he would get were from the Yakuza themselves.

Izuku jumped onto the base's rooftop, pausing in his quest inside to create an owl. The bright creature perched itself on top of a tall ridge. Izuku was reckless, but he wasn't stupid. If he never came to retrieve the owl in time, it would search for his family or his family would see it and know he was here. If they had managed to come despite his efforts, Izuku didn't want to force them into unnecessary danger in trying to find him.

Izuku nodded at the owl before scaling the wall of the building, reaching a window where he none to kindly bust in. The window shattered, and Izuku absorbed the sound energy from the crash.

Izuku had landed in a dark hallway, no lights were on, only the moonlight filtered through the few windows along the hallway. Izuku started making his way down the hallway, still following the light that was gathered in his hands.

It led him to a door, not unlike the few he had passed along the way. Izuku activated his quirk to see the energy that lay inside. He didn't see any lives, the only energy being mechanical and so forth. He assumed that it must've been a control room.

Izuku opened the door quickly, slipping inside without making so much a peep. The sight that greeted him was an extensive computer monitor that spanned the whole of the wall. Multiple screens were suspended above, some showing static, but others were of seemingly random shots around a living area, but Izuku recognized that living area.

Izuku spun around, he had to leave, he had to get rid of all the cameras in the U.A. dorms. He knew that it had to do with the Yakuza, and he knew where their base was. If Izuku could sneak out before they noticed him, he could get rid of all of the cameras and then come back once again.

Izuku missed the monitor that showed the inside of the room, his eyes skimming over the rest of them before he started towards the door. A loud bang sounded in the doorway before Izuku could see who was there. A sharp pain blossomed in his shoulder before Izukuk's legs could no longer support him.

Izuku fell face first onto the ground, managing to ignore the pain in his face in favor of the more excruciating one in his shoulder.

Izuku heard steps above his head, he attempted to use his quirk, but it sputtered uselessly at his side. Izuku gasped, trying to fight through the pain to use his quirk, though it shouldn't have been malfunctioning like this. His quirk had always worked when he was in pain, so the only other possible deduction was that there was a quirk cancelling property in the thing that pierced his shoulder.

The person above Izuku's head paused for a few moments. "Is that Ignis? The up and coming villain leader? I'm sure he would love to talk to you."

Izuku didn't have enough time to question who he was. He opted instead, to grovel on the ground in pain. It was worse than he had ever felt, and he knew that he couldn't use his quirk to help him.

Izuku managed himself onto his knees, wobbling slightly. He was able to see the figure that stood above him, the light from the hallway making the man into a silhouette. Izuku still recognized him, Kai Chisaki Hari. Overhaul's right hand man.

Another bout of pain swept through Izuku, that was all the man needed. He took Izuku, causing more pain for Izuku, and the boy found himself falling unconscious. Izuku fought, fought the black spots overtaking his vision, and tried to fight the man carrying him.

Izuku's fighting only caused more black dots, until eventually, he couldn't stay awake anymore.

despite the scarsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora