Forty Seven

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"So, if Marielle wakes up, where would you two go on a honeymoon?" One woman asked Liam as they followed the crowd through the thick, unending forest.

Liam chuckled bashfully while rubbing the back of his neck. He looked flustered and speechless as he spoke out his answer, carefully choosing his words like the kind man that he was. "We haven't talk about it yet but I want it to be special and I want Marielle to pick because everywhere she'll go, I will follow, even if that's at the ends of the earth."

"Oh, wow, you're a charmer, aren't ya? You should be the one to pick! Women loves men who dominates them and especially the ones who make decisions for them. It makes them feel loved." Says one man who gave a wink.

Liam laughed nervously. "Oh, that's..."

"After this whole punishment is over, I'll be helping you with choosing a good place to get some sexy time!" Another person said cheerfully.

It was if Elise's punishment was a normal thing. It was as if they could forget about her this easily. But that was the truth, wasn't it? That she wasn't important to these people. That she was nothing but a stranger, a nobody.

They were all laughing, talking about mundane things while Elise was there on the ground, being fumed upon, being cursed. She struggled while they don't give a damn about her.

And that hurts.

More than the physically pain she was feeling.

Tears fell out of her eyes as she cried. For the first time, she cried for her pain. All the hidden depth of her pain, of her past, she let it fell through her tears.

She heaved heavily as her breathing got harder. She couldn't stop crying, she couldn't stop thinking of what she had been through so far. Will this be her end? Will this be what she will be? A murderer to the eyes of people?

Maybe. Forever will she be the killer of her own sister in history.

She could hear laughter from some people as they indulge in Liam's amazing stories.

"You really are so kind!" One old woman said with pointy teeth and was wearing a dark dress that would make anyone think that she was attending a funeral. She reached out to pinch Liam's cheek. "Oh, cheer up! Marielle's a tough cookie and so are you."

Liam giggled. "She is... B-But I think that we should we stop this thing. Marielle wouldn't like this. Elise doesn't deserve this."

"Nonsense!" Said an individual. "If it makes you feel any better, how about telling us what you're first impressions are on this child? I heard that this demonic child was very rude."

Liam hummed, looking sad. "She looked at us weirdly. It was as if we were monsters in her eyes when I first met Elise."

Everyone gasped.

"Oh, you poor baby!" An older woman cooed. "That must have been horrible."

Liam dabbed the given napkin to his cheeks for the falling tears. "It was. I felt like a monster. But have I minded it? No. Because that would be rude of me. That would make me a real monster and I had wanted to make a great impression."

"Oh, that must have been hard, huh? Doing your best for someone who was too rude to notice it."

Liam sobbed, his shoulders shook as he cried while dabbing the napkin, to wipe the tears. "It was. I couldn't sleep for a week. How could I? Someone has looked at you like you were a monster who had been nothing but rude! That made me think if I was the one lacking. Did I do something to upset Elise? Did I say something? Why was she looking at me like I was a murderer?"

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