Twenty Two

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"Stay with me, Elise."


A soft, warm blanket, a smooth silky sheet, a large gentle, bed, a pillow that could be worth thousands of gold and an unfamiliar ceiling.

The moon's gentle light cascaded down the large windows as Elise opened her eyes.

She felt like she had been in this situation before.

Tilting her head to the side, she saw a familiar figure that made her smile a little.

"Mama... "

Isobel choked up a garbled laugh as tears continuously fell down her cheeks, her red apple eyes were glittering with worry as she caressed Elise's cheeks lovingly.

"You remembered?" She asked gently with a small smile plastered on her beautiful face.

Elise hummed, feeling very heavy with fatigue. She took a moment to answer her. "I'd be very sad if I didn't remember."

Isobel laughed but it sounded like relief rather than the joyous one, her eyes were filled with tears as she leaned forwards Elise to place her forehead against the little girl.

Elise sighed shakily as the closeness brought calmness all throughout her body. It felt so good to be able to feel something different other than pain.

It felt good, indeed.

"Am I worth being your mother, though?" Isobel whispered gently, her eyes closed but Elise could feel her nervousness radiating off of her. The anxiousness that her tone held. It wasn't the usual confidence that she expresses. Elise missed that side. "Have I earned the title, my love? Have I been a mother in your eyes for you to give me that title?"

Elise knew that Isobel wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable with anything. The woman doesn't want the little girl to take a step forward and make a big change all of a sudden.

And that's what makes Isobel a good mother.
Elise gulped, feeling her throat dry. She wasn't going to chicken out on this. "Your words are what makes me want to be proud to call you with that title."

Isobel sighed shakily but a smile made its way through her lips. "I'm so honored."

Elise smiled weakly. "You didn't let me go just yet, didn't you?"

Isobel gave her a garbled laugh. "Why is there a yet in there?"

Elise knows why.

Elise knows why there's a yet in there and she has a feeling that Isobel knows it as well.

Still, Elise played along. "Ah. Sorry. Let me rephrase it. Thank you for not letting me go."

Isobel held her hand. "I'd hold on to you even if you don't want me to, Elise. I'd hold on as tight as possible to never let you leave my side."

"I'd want that." Elise mumbled, feeling very tired.

Someone sniffled weakly on the opposite side of Isobel and Elise closed her eyes again, feeling slightly ridiculous all of a sudden.

Isobel moved away with a giggle as Lucian attacked Elise with a hug. His eyes were filled with tears as he rubbed his cheeks against hers. Even if he didn't attack her like he used to do, he still caged her in his arms.

"Eli!" He sniffled loudly, his ugly sobs echoed throughout the room as he cried dramatically. "Don' u at awain... "

Elise cringed and weakly pushed Lucian away with a groan. "You're dripping disgusting things out of your nose, you heathen..."

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