Fifty Five

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The five uncrowned kings were the first children of The Five Gods and Goddesses.

For generations, the so-called uncrowned kings were said to be the unofficial rulers of each creatures. They are guardians and protectors. They are beings who are known to be the ones close to the Gods and Goddesses than any other and therefore they are unofficial royalties of the world of the peculiar.

The first Goddess were for Selenophiles. She was a sad and lonely being who has everything at her beck and call. Due to that reason, she created the Selenophiles and had treated them as her children. They were her only joy.

That's where an uncrowned king came to be.

This uncrowned king were said to have a steady mind with the thought of keeping everything in order, an instinct to have everything at peace and not create a war as to not make their Goddess sad and lonely again.

He was the king of Balance.

The second Goddess were the Goddess of shifters. She was a joyous person who loved the unexpected. She was endless with love and she is someone who doesn't get tired of love. She created her sons and daughters due to that. However, due to her love for the unexpected, whenever there came war and her children would pray for her, she would mostly watch from above as her beloved children find a solution for themselves without the help of their creator.

That's the second uncrowned king.

This uncrowned king was said to be born as a leader who would overlook everything and everyone. This person would do everything necessary to create a joyous life for their people, however, this king would be known as the person who would make an uncanny decision that would lead their people astray.

This king was the king of Choices.

Third was a God. A pompous one who never listens to his siblings because he hated how they take everything so simply. If they wanted to be lonely, they would do so, if they wanted to be joyous, they would do so. He is someone who doesn't believe in taking things so easily because there is always consequences.

And so he created his children who could use magic. Either good or bad, he doesn't care.

And so the third uncrowned king was born.

This king was said to be someone who is strict and calculative. Someone who yields both magic good and bad. A leader that the other uncrowned kings tend to ignore due to how unforseen he was.

Therefore, this is the King of Light and Darkness.

Next is another God who was actually first in creating his children. He hates war and prefers to live in silence and solace. And therefore, his children were the oldest in the other races.

They are mostly faeries who prefers to live in an another dimension where time wasn't moving. They live in nature and prefers to watch the other creatures in contempt.

And so the fourth uncrowned king came to be.

He is someone who watches in silence with contempt. He analyzes a certain situation. He is someone who doesn't want to get involved with the other races. He, along with his people, are powerful creatures, one that could easily win in a war if they wanted  since they were blessed to have nature by their side.

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