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"Did you enjoy wasting your tears on useless things, little girl?"

Eyes red as blood.

That was what Elise saw first.

She was beautiful. Women would've turned green with envy and men would've become crazy at the thought of having her.

In some ways, the thought sounded suffocating.


This was just great.

Just when she planned on not having a surprise goodbye party, this young lady showed up, already looking like Elise had done something to upset her.

Which was bullshit because if it's anyone who should be upset right now, it's her.

Elise doesn't know what to feel for the young woman. She didn't feel threatened and she definitely didn't feel relaxed. She felt uncomfortable under the intensity of the woman's gaze. An unknown feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.

Was that a bad sign?

It's probably a bad sign.

Maybe she's in shock. She did almost die and that experience would clearly shock anyone. The feeling of it was also unpleasant.

Or maybe she was now just crazy.

Either way, both sounded bad to her.

But crazy sounded way nicer than being 'in shock.'

Or maybe the lady's just not threatening at all.

Elise sighed. Her plans to escape were now put on hold. The little girl cursed again for wasting her time on thinking. She should've just escaped as soon as her eyes saw the blood curling room.

Damn the room and its ethereal beauty!

Elise slowly sat back to her previous position and looked at the pretty stranger more properly.

The lady glared dangerously at Elise, looking annoyed and monstrous. It felt dangerous. It felt as if she'd pounce at any minute. It felt as if she were alone in a cage with an animal who could rip her apart like some ragged doll.

In Elise's eyes, the woman in front of her was a monster. In the little girl's eyes, the lady was nothing more than a stranger who could  probably kill her with her bare hands in a matter of seconds. A stranger who could eat her and could do the unexpected if Elise wasn't careful enough.

If it were some random person in the bed then they'd mostly peed themselves by now. Her glare was frightening in the dim glow of the room. She stood tall and confident, leaving no room for such weak impressions.

For some reason, Elise felt envy apart from nervousness.

Elise wished to be someone like her.




"Oh, I enjoyed it. It was quite refreshing actually." Elise nodded to herself, automatically looking away from the lady.

Holy shit, what did she just say? Elise inwardly cursed herself for answering like the way she did. It was nowhere near polite, nowhere near the proper etiquette to talk to somebody like her. The lady was obviously of high status. The way she held herself told her so.

If her aunt were here, she would've been severely punished.

Her aunt would've told her that she was once again flawed, unable to do a simple thing such as to answer when it's only necessary.

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