Twenty Three

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Everyone said to meet the guests.

They said that time was crucial when meeting the said guests, that it would be rude to make them wait, that it would be incredibly unexplainable to excuse their behavior if they were late, that it would completely unimaginable to be seen as unpunctual bitches.

Guess who's late right now though.

Guess who made all those words about those warnings and was the one who's late to greet the guests.

That's right, everyone except her.

She's here to greet the said guests that were already inside and are waiting for someone to greet them.

The guests that were looking very patient and looking very okay with waiting.

Guests that were supposed to be treated with the best care and with respect.

Guests that were a man and a little boy who looks like the same age as her...

Guests that were...

"Wait, why the hell are you two are naked?"

Is she missing something? Are they really guests? The respectable, should-be-treated-well guests? Maybe they're just beggars and had drifted off towards this house and that they are just going to ask something.

Elise was drowned in horror.

What would they ask?

What kind of treatment is Kieran and Serafino exactly talking about?

Oh my goddess, is this a brothel?

Is she living in a brothel?

"It's nature." Was the eldest man's answer.

Elise paused.

Took a moment to process his answer.

Wanting to know if she heard what she just heard.

Took a shuddering breath in before looking at him weirdly.

"Excuse me, I must've heard wrong."

She paused again, making sure that she's not looking down at the pride of all man that just... Dangles (It's just dangling right in front of her! Right in front of her innocent poor eyes!) before continuing. "What the hell did you just say?"

"Nudity is nature." Was the man's answer like it was a fact. A fact! Like it was normal to be naked!

Maybe it was a fact and that all people who lives in the forest walks around naked, being one with nature and being one with creepy bugs and tells people that it's just nature.

Elise glanced at the boy beside the man and saw him looking at her in surprise and just gave him a confused glare before looking back at the man.

Elise took a deep breath in before sighing out.

"What kind of nature allows you walking here proudly in this state?" She gestured at the state of the man and the boy. She just doesn't understand what was happening right now. Maybe she had finally hit her head somewhere and is now crazy.

"Mother Nature."

Elise blinks at him like he'd grown another head and maybe some tentacles too. She just couldn't believe what she's hearing. She just couldn't understand what was happening anymore. Everything was going downhill fast.

"Wha... Mother what?"

Did he just say that?

"Mother Nature." He repeated like it was normal.

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