6 | Car Conundrum

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I take all the money and make for the door.
So keep the car running and head for the shore.
I hope you're all ready,
It's time to get saved.
So keep your hands steady,
We'll make our getaway.


"I know, I know, I was stupid. What? No, I do not need pepper spray. Dad, really? Don't you- No, don't hang up! Ugh." (Y/N) turned her phone off and slipped it into her pocket. "The perks of having an incredibly protective parent. I should be expecting pepper spray in my mailbox any day now."

Hank quickly checked up on the girl using the in-car mirror. "It's good he's looking out for you. You still in contact with your mother?"

"They've added another three years to her sentence, I'd rather not say why." She went back into shell-mode like a turtle, her shoulders hunching. She wished she had a shell to hide in right about now.

"At least one of your folks turned out clean." Hank tapped the side of the steering wheel, a Knights of The Black Death CD playing quietly over the stereo system as background noise. It felt as though they'd been driving forever. After landing in Detroit and trying their best to recover from jetlag, they made the tedious journey back to the DPD, but they didn't expect it to take this long. There were only so many trees (Y/N) could watch fly by as the car turned yet another corner. "Alright let's go over the game plan. We'll take you in for a couple rounds of questioning, talk to your buddy about sending you back home and hopefully find a lead on the asshole leading this whole operation. Once this is over, you can act as if it never happened, get on with the rest of your life. Sound good?"

"It sounds better than good. I've been waiting for 'good' for god knows how long."

"Missing your boy?"
"I'm waiting to be pummelled to the floor when he sees me. What I wouldn't give to be woken up at 3 in the morning so a certain four-year-old doesn't have to pee alone." She smiled at the thought. "I think I'll feel better when I'm back home, though."

"Ain't that the truth."

The peaceful hum of the heater made (Y/N) pull at the cardigan she had on, fidgeting. It had recently cooled down, soft snowflakes of mixed shapes and sizes drumming steadily against the glass pane of the window. Pine trees looked as though they'd been heavily dusted with powdered sugar, thick layers of white covered the ground bordering the side of the road. She opened her mouth to say something, but awkwardness washed over her, and she immediately clamped her lips shut. Her knee started bouncing. It was a mere nervous habit. She instead focused on the radio station that Connor had changed to. She couldn't recognise the beat nor the lyrics through the static 'brrr' of the car's heater, but she was grateful to have some sort of distraction.

"Will you turn that shit off?" The lieutenant grumbled.

"It's called trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone, Hank. You should try it some time, it's good for you."

"Listening to the music I like is good for me. Not whatever this is." He flicked a hand at the radio, his other secured to the wheel. He was slouched back in his seat, looking clearly unhappy at the rate of the current snowfall. "And this goddamn storm isn't helping my chipper mood."

This drew (Y/N)'s attention back to the window, only for her to realise the once delicate, soft snowfall had turned into heavy pelts of ice thundering against the glass pane. She instinctively tugged the fabric of her sweater closer to her body, holding back the urge to pull it over her knees.

"Is that gonna be a problem?" She asked, raising the volume of her voice so they could hear her over the heating system.

"I'm not all that concerned. Mother Nature can kiss my ass for all I care."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now