21 | Utterly Enthralled

232 13 9

'Cause I could never hold a perfect thing
And not demolish it
What am I thinking? What does this mean?
How could somebody ever love me?


(Y/N) shook her head, face down as she sighed. "Just when I thought we were getting somewhere."

Connor had perched himself on the edge of his desk, Hank sitting slumped in his chair.

Connor couldn't help but comment. "We were, and we still are. We know it was someone who obviously views your social media and overall lifestyle constantly. They've memorised your schedule. Security's being locked down tight. We'll install a camera near the front door and have frequent visits from-"

"Special Agent Perkins, Miss (L/N)." The sleazy agent extended a hand for her to shake. He stank of cheap booze and zero shame. "Me and android here will be working your case as a team now."

Connor narrowed his gaze. "Yes. A team. Even though you attempted to wipe out our entire population."

"Oh come on. Water under the bridge, right?"

"Sure." That statement brough Connor's mind back to the icy depths of the water of Jericho. Just as the ship was exploding, Markus and a handful of other deviants – including Connor – plunged into the water to escape the shipwreck. It was just moments after he'd deviated.

A lot had changed in the past few months, but Perkins hadn't.

(Y/N) stood up. "Wait, wait but will this affect anything else? What about Toby's preschool? What about Cass and her job? What-"

"Listen, ma'am this isn't the first home surveillance case we've seen so just hold on, alright? We've got it covered, we see this all the time." It was clear he wasn't taking this seriously. He waved her valid worries away with his hand, as if it was nothing more than a puff of smoke in his face. "No need to freak out over something that's probably no big deal."

"Not like over 100 people have been murdered in this case." Hank spat, grabbing a donut from his desk. Perkins glared down at Hank.

"None of this is your concern, Anderson."

Connor quirked an eyebrow at this statement, smirking. "But aren't we a team?"

Perkins flicked his head around. "Not you, I was-"

"So why are you saying it's not my concern? Am I not Anderson?" He couldn't bite back his smirk.

"Well- No, you- I meant him- he-" He scoffed loudly. "Just stay out of my way, both of you."

Tugging his trench coat over his chest harshly, Special Agent Perkins left their desk in a huffy manner. (Y/N) couldn't help the relieved sigh that puffed from her lungs.

"Yeah you and me both, kid." Hank slumped back in his chair. "He's a piece of work."

"I'm not all that happy he's working with you guys."

Connor shrugged his shoulders. "Unfortunately, despite how far his head is up his own ass, he's at higher intelligence than us when it comes to the law. He has extensive access to equipment we can use to our advantage. We'll have to tolerate him for now."

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Not really. He was a rather big hassle during the revolution, even though he was on our side in the beginning. I knew he'd never respect androids, deviant or not. From what I've seen, he's learnt to mask his hatred well. Doesn't change the fact that he's a dick, though."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now