16 | Behind Bars

277 20 5

Who, who are you really?
And where are you going?
I have nothing left to prove
'Cause I have nothing left to lose


"As much as I hate to admit it, that visit proved to be quite useless to the case." Connor closed the door quietly behind them. (Y/N) was carrying a sleeping Toby, monkey wrapped around her tightly and stirring in his sleep. She ran a hand over his head to shush him.

"Yeah, maybe. But it's been a while since I visited pa. It was nice to drop by for a bit." She took her time slipping off her shoes one by one. With slow steps, she made her way to Toby's room to settle him into bed.

Connor hung his coat on the rack near the front door, taking his shoes off in the house for the first time as to not hurt the hardwood floors. It was strange, feeling the wood beneath his feet through cotton socks. Perhaps this was one of the small actions that made him feel more human than machine. The ways the fibres slid across the floor. He stared at his feet for a moment.

"Cold feet?"

He looked up. "Technically I don't get cold unless under extreme weather conditions." He paused, puzzled. "Why did I say it like that?"

(Y/N) laughed a bit. "I guess you can't quit some things. Maybe you were just made to be an intelligent, charming detective android."

Connor felt his face warm up even more. He leaned against the wall behind him for stability. He ran his hand over the back of his neck. "Charming, am I?"

(Y/N) nearly dropped the pile of clothing she was holding. She seemed just as flustered as he was. "I- well, you see-"

Now it was Connor's turn to laugh, the two of them sharing glances before sheepishly looking away. (Y/N) tripped over her words like she was a staggering drunk.

"I'll just- go um, you know." He turned to watch her walk down the hallway towards her room. He felt his face stretch into a smile.

What was he doing? He was an incredibly advanced creation built for intense detective work, yet he instantly turned to a pile of mush for this girl. The way she stood, how she held her own hands as she explained something, and especially her laugh. The rare moments where she allowed herself to feel joy without overthinking. He cherished those ones the most.

She was breaking down all of his walls, and frankly he didn't mind it.

Yet part of him did. Some inner feeling, almost an instinct was calling for him to question it all. This deep crawling paranoia that it would all go wrong. Humans and androids never pursued anything more than sexual relations – deviant or not. It was like an itch under his skin that he could never scratch. This constant questioning of his surroundings, his questions, and answers to others. He worried he was showing too much of himself or sometimes not enough. Having feelings was a lot harder than he thought.

(Y/N) cleared her throat, picking up the loose toys left out by her son. "So what would our next step be?"

"We need someone with an insight on what ice does to the system. How it affects them psychologically." Connor could feel the tension in the room hit like an atomic bomb. He knew this would be a sensitive topic.

"Someone who's used it?"

"I don't want to stretch that far, but perhaps."

She sighed.

"I know someone."


A glass panel sat between two people alike in features but separated by their past. Connor loomed in the background up against the wall. His main goal was to be a shadow; get the info he needed without getting involved. (Y/N) gripped the phone with a tight hand, knuckles straining.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant