12 | She Knows

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And she knows,
She knows,
And I know she knows,
And I know she knows

(Y/N) dropped a dollar bill into the swear jar on the shelf, looking over at Toby. He'd been supervising the exchange to ensure his mother wasn't opting out on any cash. The swear jar money was contributing to Toby's Christmas gift, and any leftover was put into his bank account for the future.

"Happy now?"

"Yup." He popped the last syllable before wandering off to his bedroom. (Y/N) scoffed. Parenting was certainly a strange experience.

Connor sat in one of the arm chairs, tracking back through the recorded files in their case. He was too busy studying the case to focus on his surroundings. So far their only lead was dead and made a great effort to leave no evidence. What shocked him was how diligent Pete McCarthy was in locating and destroying any potential leads. Connor had already concluded that someone close to McCarthy had deployed the tapeworm to protect their business venture's and his potential criminal history. Hank had been trying his best to locate the physical files but so far had found nothing. When they checked the security footage in the filing room it was clear it'd been hacked beforehand. Whoever they were, they didn't want anyone finding a link to their scheme.
The clink of a mug on the side table brough Connor back in a blinking state.

"Sorry to disturb you. Figured you'd want another coffee since you liked the last one so much." He looked up at (Y/N), who greeted him with a warm expression. She constantly treated him humanely, a refreshing value (Y/N) always welcomed him with.

He smiled at her. "You didn't disturb me at all. Thank you."

She smiled back, pushing her glasses into place as she stood back up.

"Pardon my questioning, but from what I've read you were involved in a case several years ago. May I ask what it was about?"

(Y/N) paused for a moment. She breathed out slowly and sat on the lounge adjacent. "Lucille (L/N)?"


"That would be my mother." She took her glasses off and rubbed her eyes. She looked down the hallway to see Toby's door was shut. She clearly didn't want him hearing what she was about to say. "She started around the time I turned three. My father had no idea; they got divorced pretty much right after I was born. She was good in the start from what dad told me. But child services got a call once. Apparently one of the neighbours heard her going off her head and me crying. From that point on she tried to keep her shady shit quiet.  She'd break down crying, begging me to still love her after all of the horrible things she'd done. Weeping about how the world was so cruel and I was her little girl. She'd constantly call up dad and swear him out until he completely blocked contact with her in as many legal ways he could. That's when she started.

"Yelling turned into hitting. Hitting turned into getting thrown into walls and pulled by the hair. That turned into threats of being thrown out onto the street. Soon someone called in and we had police at the door after one of her major episodes. Furniture was thrown."

Connor couldn't pull his eyes from her. The fact that she spoke so casually showed how much of an impact it'd had on her, how this behaviour became so normal for her as she grew up. She continued.

"I remember when dad went in for questioning. They wouldn't let me sit behind the one-sided glass. He wasn't comfortable discussing the issue in the bullpen, but when I tried to follow Hank, Mich stopped me. I remember what she said. 'Just a few minutes, darl. Then he'll be back'. So I waited.

"A few minutes turned into half an hour, until he finally came out. I can still see the look on his face. It's glued permanently into my memory. He wasn't scared or shocked, he wasn't even sad. He was just blank. And then he kneeled down to talk with me. He forced the best smile he could and insisted things would come around. So I did my best to believe him."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now