19 | Red Stained Glass

298 17 15

Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright,
But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside
You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind


Connor had never seen a house as lavish as Carl Manfred's in his quite short lifetime. Freshly trimmed hedges bordered the entrance, surrounded by azalea bushes of deep salmon and violet re-growing wildly as the winter air calmed. The blue sky above them made the house look like something out of a storybook. Sure, Kamski's estate was rich in abstract design, but Carl's house showed the humanity of his life and his art. Of all the endeavours he'd accompanied (Y/N) on, this was the most shocking to him.

Of course he knew of Carl's status and success but seeing him next to someone as simple and modest as (Y/N) was odd. How does one so looked up to come into contact with someone so isolated?

"Here's hoping someone's here to answer the door." (Y/N) mumbled, knocked twice on the hardwood door, and awaited an answer. In her hand was a digital file of all the photos she'd taken, now compressed into a chip.

The sound of approaching footsteps caused Connor to stand slightly behind the woman. He wasn't scared, just worried as to how Carl may react to him being there.

But then he was met with a familiar face opening the door to them.

"Hello (Y/N)." Markus gave a warm smile, met with a small wave from (Y/N). "Good to see your trip went well."

"Hey Markus. Was just hoping I could pop in and talk to Mr. Manfred if that's alright."

"Of course, come on in. You too, Connor." Markus opened the door fully, giving Connor a full view of the foyer. The outside was bare compared to the inside.

That's when they saw the other android, brown hair slicked to the side. He was dressed rather professionally in a white uniform shirt and black slacks with a tray in hand. He smiled at the sight of (Y/N). "Good afternoon, Miss (L/N). Here to see Carl?"

She smiled back at him. "As usual, Augustus. How's he been doing?"

"His vitals have recovered rather well over the past few weeks. He's lived four months over what the doctors estimated."

Connor could see her expression faulter. It was obvious she worried for her mentor's health, yet she shook it off easily.

"I can take that if you'd like." She offered, but Augustus shook his head.

"It's alright, honestly. But you can head up with me to see him. I'm just about to wake him up for his medication." He stood to the side to let (Y/N) walk past.

"Thanks, August."

He watched as she took careful steps up the stairwell as Augustus trailed behind, minding the ornamental hangings on the walls. Like always she was so mindful of those around her. Connor waited for her to leave the room before he spoke.

"I will admit, I didn't think I'd see you here of all places." He took his coat off and folded it to hold it in his arms. Markus brushed dust from the side table near the front door as he spoke.

"I thought (Y/N) might have told you. Since everything's been going smoothly, I've dedicated some of my time to taking care of Carl again." Connor cocked his head, to which Markus responded. "I know. Augustus took over after the- well, incident. It was only fair to let him stay here after the past events. Carl needs as much support as he can get."

The detective shuffled awkwardly from foot to foot on the tiling, examining the zebra print rug and elaborate décor. A tall painting composed of bright colours and contrasting linework stood next to the staircase, with a collective signature in the corner. It was Carl's and (Y/N)'s.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now