18 | Predator and Prey

323 19 6

I've got something they can't touch,

Power running through my blood

Such a rush, I'm dangerous,

I've got something they can't touch


"What the fuck do you mean you LOST HER?" A body was thrown into the hard brick walls of the room, knuckles white as they yelled in the boy's face. Specks of saliva hit his skin. The walls shook from their voice. Echoes bounced off of each other in the spacious warehouse.

"We didn't know she'd be in San Francisco! We thought she'd stay in Detroit, y'know? That's where you told us to keep tabs on her!"

"I told you to track her. That means no matter where she goes."

"W-Well, the cops were coming so they booked it! Fuzz got a hold of her and she's-" He gulped. The hold on his coat tightened, their face twisting in impatience.

"Do I need to beat it out of you?" A fist was raised threateningly in his face, inches from his nose.

"She's in their protection! A case was opened after McCarthy's slip up. She's got a cop in her house or with her at least 24/7 now from what our intel has heard."

The violence left their hand. "She's being monitored?"

"Yes, boss."

Bunches of cloth were released. The figure took a stalking step back. Footsteps boomed in the deafening silence. "Perhaps this could work in our favour." They mumbled, finger to chin.

"What do you mean?"

"Quiet, body. The brain is thinking."

Cold winter air pressed up against the bricks of the building, crawling along the tattered curtains and reaching out to chill the skin of the two people talking. They grinned.

"This could work out perfectly, actually. Maybe you're not all as incompetent as I thought."

"Thank you."

"So, if the rabbit has found protection, then we need to kick the bunny back into their prey mindset. Make them remember their instinct. Perhaps it's time they know what we know."

"Shouldn't we just deliver her to you?"

"The hunt is a game. It's not all about the capture. It's about the adrenaline and exhilaration of chasing after that cotton tail no matter how persistent it is."

They clapped the dust from their hands, tongue licking their lips in deep thought. It may as well have been forked like a snake's, venom dripping from fangs as their eyes pierced the worker's soul. He watched slowly as they loaded the magazine of a pistol. They reloaded, the gun making a chilling click as they did.

He swallowed hard, a shake quaking through his whole body. He couldn't tell if this was from withdrawal or fear.

"Can- can I get my fix now?"

As soon as the question left his lips, a clean shot through the skull brought his body to the ground with a loud thud. Blood trickled from the bullet hole down onto the concrete. They let it seep for a moment.

They dipped two fingers into the pool of crimson, rubbing it between their fingertips. They felt the grit run underneath their fingernails. With a tentative tongue they cleaned off their hands, the metallic taste lurking in their mouth. They licked their lips.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now