11 (1/2) | Connor's Conversation

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Out on the ocean
I can hardly wait
To see you come of age
But I guess we'll both just have to be patient

Connor had occupied himself well on the walk to the park, rolling his coin absentmindedly across his knuckles. Winter had pulled back the reins on its usual chill in the streets of Detroit. According to (Y/N) it was a regular occurrence for Toby to drag her down to the park.

Connor watched from the bench as Toby hurdled towards the playground, leaving his jacket on the dirty ground for his mother to retrieve. (Y/N) picked up the coat and placed it into the carry bag she'd brought along, sitting her glasses in there as well. She gave her legs a quick stretch.

"Alright, I'm on the clock. You two have fun."

"We'll try." Hank responded, taking a seat next to Connor. With that, she followed slowly behind Toby, ready to catch him if he fell.

"How are you holding up?" Hank pulled his jacket closer, muttering a quick. "Fuck it's cold out here."

"Everything's been pretty smooth, we've had no sign of potential threat or aggression." He responded on instinct.

"I didn't ask how the case is going, dipshit. I wanna know how you are."

Connor paused for a minute, blinking. "Good?"

"You hesitated, you're full of shit." The Lieutenant took a swig from the hot chocolate he'd bought on the way down to the park.

"I'm not. I just- Well I'm not bad."

"So you're just, what, existing?"

"I guess so."

Connor watched as (Y/N) buckled Toby into the toddler swing, giving his hair a scruff. He smiled a bit. Witnessing those small moments helped him understand it more and more.

"You learnt anything from them?" Hank nudged Connor with his elbow.

"More than I thought I would."

"Oh yeah?" Hank took another sip. His face screwed up, disappointed. "Well that's just warm water at this point." He mumbled, putting the cup in the bin next to them. "Give me an example."


Hank scoffed. "Oi vey."

"C'mon Hank." He elbowed him back. " I mean the biological and psychological side of it. How the parents have an instinct to protect their children. How a mother responds when they are in pain or distress. It's strange seeing how much someone would sacrifice for their child."

"Well, when you spend all of that time preparing to bring a life into the world, there's no point in making their experience shitty."

"I mean yeah but take (Y/N) for example. She knew she was going to be a single mum, so she switched to online courses at her college before she had Toby. She almost gave up her dream career for him."

"So what do you think?"

His attention turned back to (Y/N), watching her

"I think when you love someone that much, you're willing to give up everything for them to be happy."

"You're getting better at this whole human thing. Shit, soon you'll be better than me."

All Connor could do was smile back, receiving a pat on the shoulder from the lieutenant. Hank took another look at Toby. He was beaming once again, looking back to his mother every few swings. "Seems like a pretty good kid."

"He is. It's clear he's close knitted with (Y/N)."

"I don't blame him, she's a good mother from what I've seen." Hank stood up slowly, wrapping his coat around himself even more. "Well, might as well save your poor girl."

With that, Connor watched the Lieutenant walk over to lend a hand. He sat patiently waiting for his next interaction, and when he saw (Y/N) soon approaching him, he knew he was in for a good one.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now