10 | Wonderous Light

501 31 19

It may not be easy
This blended family, but baby
That's what you do, what you do, what you do
What you do for love


Connor held a firm hand as he knocked on the front door three times, knuckle meeting with polished wood. As he awaited someone to answer the door he readjusted the cuffs of his buttoned shirt. Although he prided himself on being formal and precise, he felt vacant. As if he'd left his mind somewhere else, floating aimlessly with the corpse they'd discovered hours ago.

Ever since deviation, death was now a chilling topic for Connor. He often wondered how many innocent lives he may have taken had he not deviated when he did. A cold killing machine with no empathy for others, manipulating anyone who got in the way. The very thought made him want to vomit.

One thing he couldn't shake was the empty face of Chloe when he met with Kamski. The innocent android he'd shot for nothing more than information. And despite every mission and Amanda's constant torment he turned his cheek and deviated. It left a bitter spark in his memories. Chloe's lifeless eyes staring into him still struck him to this day.

He was now starting to see why humans feared death so much.

Connor shook his head, knocking once again.

"Hang on!"

He recognised (Y/N)'s voice and idled, awaiting to be let in.

A few minutes later the door swung open, a dazed (Y/N) greeting him on the other side.

"Hey." She puffed, pushing her glasses back up. "Come on in."

Connor quirked his eyebrow. "Is everything okay?"

Before she could answer, Toby came sprinting through the living room butt naked.

All Connor could do was blink, turning his head away by an inch.

"There's my answer." He cleared his throat. (Y/N) waved him into the main room, closing the door behind him.

"Toby's new passion is rioting against pants. Sorry for the mental scarring, I'll be there in a second just grab a seat."

He nodded, sitting himself down on the sofa chair before watching (Y/N) dart down the hallway. She slipped on the floorboards through fluffy socks, speeding towards the trickster child. He averted his attention to the pillow beside him.

The covers of the couch cushions seemed to be stitched by hand, a small cursive 'S' sewn into the corner. Connor suspected it was a gift from Stephanie to (Y/N), perhaps as a baby shower present.

Human bonds were tied in mysterious ways and were often severed in even stranger ways. These social creatures were so quick to befriend each other only to pull away with time. This caught Connor's interest, especially when Hank went on drunk tangents about his ex-wife. Two people who were once so in love now couldn't stand each other. How could they commit to something so big without seeing the potential outcome? Perhaps this was why Connor had yet to pursue a romantic relationship, as his paranoia of possible downsides and negative endings may have consumed him by now.

A joyful squeal came from the toddler in the hall, followed by a victory cheer from (Y/N).

"Gotcha, you goofball!"

Connor could feel the corners of his mouth lifting, unknowingly starting to smile. Just seeing her happy and enjoying life put him at ease, yet he didn't know why.

Out she came, holding a now fully clothed Toby on her hip.

"Revolt over, the authorities have won."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now