22 | Festival Fiasco

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One second becomes an eternity,
Everything that I had is nothing now
And I don't know how
The blood in my veins runs so fast,
I need to say more to forget my past
But I can't reply
And I don't know why

"Come on, come on, come on!" Toby dragged his mother by the sleeve out of the car as soon as the engine was off. He was ecstatic about the rest of the day, which consisted of brightly coloured balloons and music that'd be drowned out by the sound of cheering parents. The air smelt of newly bloomed cherry blossoms, a kind reminder of the end to the frosty mornings of winter.

Connor handed the keys to (Y/N) after closing the driver's door. He'd once again driven the family to their destination. He had to admit, it made him feel good. He liked helping them out in any way possible considering their situation. (Y/N) seemed constantly overwhelmed with the stresses of being a single mother, starving artist and now attempted murder victim. Not to mention the property damage, death of potential leads and privacy invasion following her assault. Toby was too naïve to see everything going wrong around him, kept in a protective bubble built and fortified by his mother. She wanted so desperately for no one to pop it. So to delay the inevitable, Connor assisted wherever he could.

When a familiar 1988 Brougham pulled onto the carpark's painted pavement and parked, Toby's grin only grew wider. "It's Hank! It's Hank!" He cheered the lieutenant's name, hauling (Y/N) in the direction of the car. Once close enough, he ran full speed towards Hank just in time for his car door to close behind him. He was practically tackled by the child, letting out an 'oof' due to the collision.

"Jesus kid, gonna throw my back out. When'd you get so strong?"

(Y/N) put her hands on her hips. "Because his mum forces him to eat his vegetables."

"Well, you gotta do that, obviously. How else do you think I became a cop?"

Toby looked to his mother for confirmation, to which she nodded. "Yep. Every policeman's gotta eat them."

"What about astronauts?"

"Even astronauts."

He grumbled in dispute, but listened, nonetheless. Returning to his mother with his hand outstretched, (Y/N) took it with a soft smile. "C'mon. You're gonna be late."

The group filed into the building, giving a dollar donation at the door. The parade was held to raise funds for repairs and replacements of some of the supplies in the pre-school centre. Kids were destructive little animals, so it was fairly common for events like this to be held.

(Y/N) fixed how the hat sat on her son's head, touching up his hair as well. "There. Perfect." With a quick kiss on the nose, they made their way into the main room. Kids were gathering in front of the big double doors leading to the outside playground and recreation area that had been decorated with colourful paper streamers and helium balloons.

One of the teachers gave a friendly wave to (Y/N) before getting on her knee to talk to Toby. He ran up to give her a high-five, accompanied by a big smile.

"Hi miss Serenity!"

"You ready for the parade, Tobes?"


"Alrighty, well if your mum's okay with it I'll get you lined up with the other kids."

Serenity Smith had been working at the pre-school for a while. (Y/N) had met her in the hospital ward when she was recovering from having Toby. Her brother was one of the head obstetricians, and she'd come in to talk to him about some topic that'd now departed from (Y/N)'s mind. When she realised she'd walked into a taken ward she apologised profusely. They had some light chit chat about work and life before Serenity took her leave. Since then, they'd sometimes talk to pass the time as Toby packed up his stuff to leave. 

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now