15 | Advice On The Highway

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When I am king,
you will be first against the wall.
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all.
What's this?


Hank cocked his head to the side, catching a glimpse of their interlocked hands. "Aw. Ain't that sweet." He chuckled a bit, keeping his voice low.

Connor's eyes remained on the road as he responded at low volume. "She's been through a lot lately. She should get as much sleep as she can."

"Fair enough. If you keep at this any longer you'll be spooning her in bed by the end of the week." He teased with a shit eating smile.

"C'mon Hank, be reasonable."

"Says the one flirting while driving."

Connor had to admit, he was getting ahead of himself. Glancing at her between turns and traffic lights, checking to see if she was still peacefully sleeping. She always seemed to slump into herself when she napped in car seats or aeroplane chairs. But it was rather gentle, like a lotus flower awaiting bloom. For some reason he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The mild fold of her body as she leaned into the headrest, (E/C) eyes hidden behind heavy eyelids.

He often found himself admiring her features. The small creases in her forehead from stress, the dark undereye circles from restless nights, the red marks indented into the bridge of her nose from her glasses. He found beauty in things commonly seen as imperfections. They painted a picture of the person she was, a tired yet loving mother and roommate. A tired smile aching for support, as much as she refused to admit it.

Of course in this moment he couldn't look at her so intently, as he was driving. But he'd still give her a few side looks, just to check if she was still fast asleep.

"It's not flirting. It's just comfort, that's all."

"Yeah I'm sure it'll be plenty comfortable when you have your tongues down each other's throats."

Connor chuckled a bit, checking the street signs. "Whatever you say, Lieutenant."

Connor couldn't help but break a few rules for her. Anything to make her life easier. Part of him knew that these feelings would interfere with his mission and career, but another part of him didn't care.

There was a silence as the wheels dragged against the asphalt. The hum of the car's engine had yet to wake Toby or (Y/N), both sleeping calmly in their seats. Hank flicked some of the lint from his trousers.

"What about those particularly...human feelings you've been having?"

Connor glanced quickly at Hank, before looking back to the road. Of course he'd noticed Connor's off behaviour.

He had to agree with the lieutenant, he'd witnessed his own actions and often questioned them. Small signs of support for no reason. Moments where he'd try to make her smile, just so she felt better.

How obvious was it?

The lieutenant continued. "It's clear as day that you two have something."

"Is it?"

"It is." He pushed. "Pretty much everyone can see how much you care about this girl."

Connor tapped his thumb against the steering wheel, pausing. "I don't want to move in on her too quickly. She's still recovering from Matt."

"Ah, so you do feel something."

He exhaled slowly, despite not needing oxygen. The topic of potentially starting any relationship, let alone with the woman in slumber next to him, always made him anxious. Too much could go wrong. "So what if I do?"

"Then why don't you do something about it?"

"It's a conflict of interest."

"Is that all?"

Connor paused, taking a moment to check the side mirrors as he pulled up on the sidewalk next to Hank's house. "What I feel isn't important."

Hank unbuckled his seatbelt. "Of course it is, you dumbass. I thought we went over this at Kamski's last year. Didn't just go there to watch him dawdle around in a bath robe spewin' psychology."

He opened the car door and stepped out loosely, readjusting his coat. Surprisingly, Connor recognised the coat and its several stains despite constant washing. It was the same one he wore when they first met at Jimmy's bar. This small flood of nostalgia gave him some time to realise how far he'd come from that moment. Maybe he was allowed to feel without question.

Hank muttered a quick 'shit it got cold' under his breath, pulling his jacket around himself. This was a classic Anderson move in the winter time. But before he closed the door he looked Connor in the eye and finished their conversation with one last statement. A statement that stuck in the android's mind.

"Android or not, feelings are feelings. Yours matter just as much as everyone else's. It's about time you start seeing that."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now