7 | Heads or Tails

627 30 13

There are no mistakes,
Call it heads or tails.
Leave it up to fate,
Call it heads or tails.

Connor flattened the files on his desk, exhaling deeply despite not needing to breathe. Finally, he could have a moment to relax. Just as thought crossed his mind, Reed dropped another stack onto his table. He pressed his mouth into a crease and looked across the office at (Y/N) flopping down onto one of the new chairs in the break room.

(Y/N) leaned back in her comforted chair with a sigh. "I feel like I've said more about this case than I have about my life. And that's coming from an art school graduate with an abusive mother."

"Yeah, don't get your hopes up just yet. We don't know when this case is actually gonna get done. If it does get done, anyway." Hank had strolled in from Fowler's office, in a neutral mood that was rather rare for him. He nodded towards the reception booths at the front of the DPD. "You've got a few stragglers waiting for you."

She stood up immediately, almost bouncing to her feet. "Wait, really?" Her face was a mix of emotions in reaction to what he'd said. She already knew who it was, but her gut grew restless from waiting. Connor had now lost interest in the paperwork on his desk, watching to see what'd happen next. The sound of a distant 'Tobes, slow down!' made (Y/N)'s face light up. It was as though she was glowing with joy.

Not soon after, a small boy came sprinting into the bull pen, short brown hair bobbing along with his every step. A blur of a striped sweater and black tracksuit pants, bright blue eyes darting around as he searched for someone in particular. When his eyes fell on her he beamed, running full speed at her.


"Toby!" (Y/N) fell to her knees, getting tackled into a hug from the boy. Laughter filled the room as she clung onto the child, holding him close to her chest. She looked as though she never wanted to let go. (Y/N) used her thumbs to swipe Toby's bangs out of his face, cupping his cheeks. "I missed you so much. So, so much." She planted a kiss on both cheeks, leaving the last on his forehead. Toby didn't mind at all. He looked overjoyed to be reunited with his mother.

"Ouch, where's my hug?"

(Y/N) looked up to see a familiar face, her smile softening at the sight of her lifelong friend. Right now CJ was sporting a dark mocha bob with soft grey tips that complimented her brown eyes. "Cass, I can't thank you enough."

"Enough of the sappy stuff," CJ leant her a hand, helping her stand up as Tobes clung to her leg. "Get your ass over here." They merely fist bumped, followed by a light hug. It spoke more than words. It was a welcome home. (Y/N) couldn't be happier to be back in her city, and Connor couldn't be more bewildered by the interaction. Watching this woman cave in and drop all defences at the mere sight of her child. Parenthood truly did change the way people present themselves to the rest of the world, and how they react to things behind closed doors.

After everything she'd been through in San Francisco, (Y/N) was reluctant to part from her family. As were they, it seemed, as Toby clung to his mother like a helpless cub. Although stuck to her like glue, his eyes were filled with curiosity and glimmers of wonder as he looked around the police station. (Y/N) felt a bittersweet taste drop to her tongue, like aged wine. In a way she was happy her son never witnessed something as twisted as abuse at such a young age, unlike her.

Connor had decided now was the best time to introduce himself to the conversation. He cleared his throat, hoping to grasp their attention. "Pardon my interruption. My name is Detective Connor Anderson. I'm currently working your friend's case."

CJ blew a portion of her bangs from her eyes, giving Connor's hand a loose, informal shake. "Cassandra Jane Murphy. Thanks for making sure (Y/N) didn't get shot." She was commonly known for using humour in stressful situations, this being one of them.

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