0 | Bruised Beginnings

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They would yell, they would scream, they were fighting it out.
she would hope, she would pray, she was waiting it out.
Holding on to a dream,
Whilst she watches these walls fall down.
Possible trigger warning, mentions of assault

The woman being led away in handcuffs had a permanent scowl on her face, throwing a cold, dead glare at Detective Hank Anderson. He watched her being pushed in the direction of the police car. If looks could kill, every cop in the area would be eight feet under.
"Any other residents besides her?" Hank asked one of his co-workers.

"Yeah, a little girl. Young, maybe 5 or 6. (H/C) hair, bruises all up 'er arms. Unresponsive by speech, but she knows who we are, where she is and what's happening. Shaking like a scared rabbit, she is." Michelle replied, her eyes drifting back to the house.

"Yeah, well we'd all be terrified if our mum abused ice, now wouldn't we?" He shook his head, turning towards the police tape surrounded building. He opened the front door to the unfolded scene, where tipped over tables, dust covered shelves, fallen books and thrown chairs were littered around the living room. He walked down the hallway, past crooked family portraits - or at least, what used to be a family - of a small girl, the woman they'd put in cuffs and an unknown man, most likely the child's father.

Choked crying was heard from where he stood. Hank peered into one of the rooms to find a small, shaking child curled up in a corner next to a dresser. She had her knees up to her chest. (H/C) hair fell around her tear brimmed, puffy (E/C) eyes. Bruises ran up her arms and near her neck and she was shaking furiously as if she'd seen a ghost. Yep, this was the kid Mich was talking about.

Hank knelt so they were at eye level.

"Hey, kiddo." Her eyes shot over to look at the officer, frightened.
"Easy, darl. I'm not gonna hurt you. We're the good guys, okay?" She stared bullet holes through the Lieutenant's skull. Obviously she was still spooked.

"It's alright. You're alright. Okay? Now that we're here, we're going to make sure nothing hurts you. Ain't nothing in the world, got it?"

Her shaking slowed.

" 'Atta girl. See? You're safe now."
The girl let out a staggering breath, reaching up to wipe her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

"What's your name kiddo?"

"(Y/N)," she mumbled out.

"(Y/N). Nice name for a nice kid. My name's Hank." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Because you're talking now, I won't fire every question possible at you. So, let's start off with a simple one. Think you could stand up for me?"

(Y/N) nodded, moving with shaky limbs to stand up. Hank couldn't help but notice how frail how figure was. For being around the age of 5 you could practically see her organs through her skin. Her lungs struggled to get enough air as she coughed, choking on the dust particles in the air. He didn't dare think of how much worse it may have been if they hadn't arrived sooner.
He gently reached out to take hold of her shoulders, leading her out of the house with him.
"It's horrible when something like this happens to a good kid." Hank said to himself, leading (Y/N) over broken shards of glass. "What brings someone to lay a hand on an innocent child is something I'll never understand."

When they were outside, Michelle was the first one to approach them. It was as if she was awaiting Hank's obvious success with the girl.

"I'll be damned, Anderson. You did it."
"Who else could?"
"I won't bruise your ego, whatever helps you sleep at night."

She looked down at the child.

"Hey, pumpkin." Michelle met the girl's eyes, her voice holding a softer tone. "You've been 'real brave through this whole thing. Most kids don't handle this kind of stuff well, believe me. So, what we're gonna do is get you to come back to the station with Hank & I. We'll get you settled in for a bit and then give you some time to tell us what happened, 'that okay with you?"

(Y/N) didn't respond.

"It's alright, tiger. Mich doesn't bite." Hank encouraged.
She now nodded, looking back at the woman.
"Those cuts and bruises...Did your mum do that, sugar?" Mich asked.

She nodded again.

"Add that to the list of offences." Michelle shook her head.
This time Hank turned to face the little girl.

"Do you have a dad, kid?"
"Do you live with him? By any chance know where he is?"
"N-No." Her face scrunched up in confusion.

"I'm guessing the parents split up and munchkin here got dumped with her abusive mother." He made sure only Mich heard what he said. "Red ice traces were also found in the mother's clothing drawers and all throughout the house. Including in (Y/N)'s room. Her mum might've started because of the split-"

"Hank?" He heard the girl's voice from below.

"Yeah, kiddo?"
"If..If mum's gone...where am I staying?"

Good question. A question Hank didn't have an answer for.
"I'll pull a few strings with the Head Honcho, see if she can stay at mine for a bit."
"Don't even start, Anderson." She rolled her eyes at his attempts.
"You like dogs, hon?"
The girl nodded, looking slightly relieved at the mention of a canine.
"Petey's good with kids, so it's settled then." Mich covered (Y/N)'s ears.

"I've got to deal with psycho mum, can you take the girl?"
"Say no more."
"You're a lifesaver, Hank." She uncovered the child's ears, facing her. "Alright sweetie. You're gonna go with Hank, and I'll meet up with you again soon, alright?"


Giving them both waves, she got into the police car's driving seat. Mich took one last look back at the little girl's tear streaked face as she pointed at the house, Hank listening with interest.

Michelle shook her head, smiling.

"I've got a good feeling about this one."

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