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And I wanted, and I wanted it bad

But there were so many red flags,

Now another one bites the dust

Yeah, let's be clear I'll trust no one


"I mean anyone could know Toby's birthday, not like it's a secret. (Y/N) pulls a 'Facebook mum' every year and posts a few of his baby pictures on some kind of social media every time it rolls around." CJ swirled the coffee in her cup before taking a long sip. (Y/N) frowned despite how true the statement was.

"Not helping, Cass."

She shrugged in response to (Y/N)'s displeasure.

Whilst the two wrapped up their discussion on the situation at hand, Connor said his goodbyes and hung up the phone. He slipped it into his pocket. "It still means someone could possibly know of the situation at hand. I'm guessing nothing like this has happened before."

"Rock through the window? I understand someone might hate me, but it's never been enough for them to do something like this."

"If this person knows who you are then there's a chance they're working for whoever is causing all this trouble. There were no fingerprints left behind, they either wore heavily padded gloves or had no fingerprints. The surface looks sanded down. I'll talk to Hank about sending the rock over to forensics, but for now we need to survey the area and look for any potential evidence." Connor put on the gloves he always had stored in his pocket, snapping the elastic tight at the wrist, and placing the stone in a plastic baggy.

"Do you always have those on you?" CJ asked, cradling Toby on her hip.

"Never know when you'll need to document something."

"Weird. I like it."

After filing everything into bags as best he could, he placed it all onto the table. The sight was unsettling, her home turned into a crime scene so easily.

Without another word Connor proceeded outside. He slipped into his shoes and made his way around the side of the house to where the window had been broken. Connor took a moment to look over the evidence left behind, kneeling down to get a better look. His eyes scanned over the melting snow.

"We've got footprints outside the window, matching to a size 8 female around the time we got the call from CJ. Dirt traces from a nearby house were left over in the tracks. Their yard must be clear of snow, either that or the shoes haven't been worn until right outside this window. It might need extensive inspection, but it looks unplanned and sloppy. They planned to throw the rock, but they didn't know what to do next."

"So they knew what they wanted to do."

"But they didn't execute it well. They might have been put up to it."

All she could do was nod in response. She was obviously still shaken up, and frankly he couldn't blame her. Connor himself had never been in this situation, but he knew the emotion fear well. He knew how overwhelming and powerful this feeling was, and how it often took control of your focus and your critical thinking. This was clear from the look on (Y/N)'s face.

"Hey." She looked over at him, trying to hide her obvious worry. He gave her a comforting smile, trying his best to keep her optimistic. "It's going to be okay." She nodded once more, took in a breath, and exhaled slowly. "I'll have someone come down and look this over for a second opinion. If we're lucky it'll be Hank."

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now