24 | Hospital Hiatus

162 10 3

Are you tired of me yet?

I'm a little sick right now, but I swear

When I'm ready I will fly us out of here.


(Y/N) sat herself down in the nearest armchair, in shock to the point where she felt she couldn't stand. She hadn't spoken a word since receiving the news. She instead let her mind run wild with fears and guilts, a string of 'if only' began wrapping around her head at a migraine inducing speed. That was until her mouth opened, the words that left her mouth cutting the winding twine of her mind. "Holy shit."

"The others are already at the hospital. They- well, they thought you'd want to visit him." Simon had refused to leave the doorway. It was as if the stress of the situation had glued his feet in place, now leaving him to wrap his arms around himself as he spoke. He was an empty shell, much like the rest of the group.

(Y/N) ran her hands over her eyes and down her face, hoping her fingertips on skin would make her feel grounded. "Is he okay?"

"He's better than he was. They're currently trying to resuscitate him. Markus is refusing to leave his side."

She shook her head. "Of course he is, it's Markus."

"I'm worried about him, (Y/N). I haven't seen him like this since- well since everything last year."

(Y/N)'s mouth ran dry, and she swallowed her fear for her friend. Connor remained silent. He felt he didn't have the right to speak around Simon since the events of the past year. Despite the ending feud, he still felt out of place amongst the rest of them.

(Y/N) rose from her chair, making a b-line for the coat rack. "I have to see him." She paused. Staring out the window she noticed a distinct lack of a vehicle. "Wait, did you run here?"

"Well, yes."


She closed her eyes for a brief moment, a small smile new creeping up her lips as if trying to push through their grief. "Get in the car, Simon."


Nothing could have prepared (Y/N) for the harsh white lights and sickening smell of sanitised floors of the hospital. There was still no sign of Markus. He was likely still by Josh's side.

The group had collected at the building's cafeteria, but their appetite was nothing short of gone. They were starved. Too busy worrying about their friend to bother, or that was at least the case for (Y/N).

North's eyes were glued to the clean flooring below them, Simon's hands constantly fidgeting in a fit of anxiety. Connor was wordless as they moved. The thick scent of grief hung in the air above them, like it was sucking the life out of everyone.

After giving their shoulders a quick supportive squeeze, she asked around to find the room holding a battered Josh. Soon she got her answer.

Connor refused to let go of her hand the entire time.

"I'll be out here if you need me." He sat down in one of the chairs outside Josh's room, finally taking his hand back. (Y/N) frowned. She was already missing the comforting hold, the strange warmth from her hand in his. But that was to be focused on another time.

Taking in a slow breath to prepare herself, she knocked twice before stepping into the room.

There sat an exhausted friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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