17 | Memories of Mich

311 21 5

And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth


(Y/N) wiped her hands off with a damp towel, quickly moving the stapler away from Toby's grip before he had a chance to staple his hand to the cardstock.

"Yeah no, let's get mum to do that." She sat it down on the desk and shook her hands, PVA glue peeling from her fingers. They were currently in the process of making Toby's hat for his preschool hat parade. Years of experience in art had led to her being defeated by glue. A children's hat was her demise.

Plastic sequins had been scattered across the floor of the study, along with an arrangement of fake feathers, markers, and cheap acrylic paint. No matter how thrilled she was that her son was getting into art, she was just about ready to sprawl out on the floor and give up. Letting the sharp angled plastic gems stick into her skin sounded like less torture than this.

"How you doing over there, Cass?"

"I'm gonna set this fucking thing on fire." She muttered, squinting to place a gem onto the cardboard.

"Swear jar!"

CJ took a dollar from her purse laying near the door, rolled it, and flicked it to her nephew. "Take it kid. Money means nothing when you're dead, and I'd rather DIE right now." 

Toby toddled away to the jar on the counter, beaming from ear to ear. More money equalled more presents at the end of the year. He was only four years old and already loved accounting, or at least this part of it.

"Wait until he finds out about allowance." Connor chuckled. He'd been sitting in the corner of the room, painting acrylic paint carefully onto a dome of felt. It was starting to look like a frog.

"Don't give him any ideas. This kid's gonna rob us any chance he gets." (Y/N) groaned, standing up to put the stapler away.

A piece of cardboard was thrown harshly across the room. CJ stood up, dusting her hands off. "Fuck this, I'm done."

A voice piped from the kitchen. "Swear j-"

"I know, Tobes."

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh, watching her best friend take another dollar note from her bag and stalk out to the living room. "God, those two are a pair." She turned to check in on Connor. "How's it going?"

He lifted the hat carefully, hands fully inside the felt dome to prop up the design. He shrugged a bit, his mouth slanting. "It's not much. I saw the green and went from there."

She smiled. "It's lovely. I'll cut up some cardboard to make legs and a tongue, then we can finish up. So far yours has been the most successful."

"Not your fault, that dollar store cardboard doesn't support paints very well. If it could, Tobes would be walking around with Picasso on a paper crown."

"Yeah, well the cheaper these kinds of things are, the better. I love the kid, I really do, but life is already expensive enough as it is." She traced an outline of a dorky looking frog leg, folded the paper four times, and slowly cut it out. After securing the legs to the hat with some messy stitchwork and some black marker for the eyes, the hat was complete. (Y/N) put her hands on her hips. "I'd say we did a pretty good job."

"To fashion a hat out of glitter glue, sure. Good thing it's a preschool hat parade." (Y/N) could tell from his response he wasn't too proud of his work. With this in mind, she gave him a light elbow to the ribs.

Some False Truth || Connor x Reader D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now