4 | Police Station Interrogation

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I bet they planned it all out, like the shows
Went everywhere I go
Walked into the store right behind me
Stood in line right beside me and followed me to my home

"Full name?"

"(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)."

"Date of birth and current age?"

"(Day of month) (Month) 2012. 27 years of age."

"Home address?"

"42 Peschway Avenue, Detroit, Michigan."
(made up address, don't come for me ( T^T)

David sat her file down.

"Everything's in order. We've had a few cases of impersonation after what's been happening, so I'm sorry if that made you uneasy. It's all for safety precautions."

"I understand, I guess.."

David had his hands collected neatly on the tabletop whilst he sat across from her, trying his best to keep a friendly attitude despite what (Y/N) had just gone through. It was funny to compare how still and calm Dave's hands were in comparison to (Y/N)'s. She kept switching between drumming her fingernails anxiously on the tabletop or bouncing her leg whilst twiddling her thumbs. It wasn't that he was intimidating – with his rounded belly and strangely familiar nature, almost like a teddy bear – but it was more the situation at hand. The only crime she'd ever got caught up in was her mother's addiction and beating, which she was lucky to escape at such a young age. But after almost being possibly shot, stabbed, and robbed she was starting to feel less and less safe in her own skin.

"Now if you feel as though you're ready," David tried to put on a supportive, patient face. "We'd like to know what happened. Start from the beginning if you can. As much as we all hate it, the more you can remember the better. But before that, did they take anything? Do you still have all of your things?"

"Yes. Yes, I- I checked a hundred times. Everything's there."

"Good. Now, whenever you're ready."

She braced herself a bit, her shoulders tensing up.

"I was coming back from a panel at the Museum of Modern Art. I was out late, and my taxi dropped he at the wrong block. So I started walking. I was almost to my hotel when I heard muffled..Screaming, I guess? And a bunch of stuff being thrown around. I.."

She paused. Her voice got tangled in itself at the base of her throat. She was back in that alley. Her back pressed to the wall as she kicked and screamed. The reek of red ice hit her face in a violent gust. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she felt the air leave her lungs. The hand was back over her mouth. She couldn't breathe.

Her eyes had shot open, pupils shrinking as her body curled inwards.

"It's okay. It was scary, we're sorry you had to go through it. Take your time." The sound of Dave's reassurances brought her back to the department. The cold, brick walls of the interrogation room faded into view as she turned to stare into the one-sided mirror. (Y/N) wondered how many cases just like this one the police had to deal with.

"I watched that man's body drop to the ground." She continued with hesitation. "I felt like- like I couldn't breathe properly. These two men had just..Killed someone. When they threw me into the wall, my only thought was that- that I'd-"

She didn't give herself the chance to finish that sentence. Trying her best to regain her composure, she got to the important part.

"I made eye contact with one of them. The- the one who pinned me had hazel eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie. The other one called him Kev. I didn't get the other's name, but he was wearing a grey sweater. After going through my things they- they let me go when they heard the police sirens." She took in a deep breath afterwards, as if she were coming up for air after almost drowning in the vast depths of the ocean.

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