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Parker Elise Leon

Gabe and I spent the morning together before he told me he had to get home and do some stuff there. I drove him home and he started to get a lot more talkative with me, which was good, but I know he won't be like that in school around everybody else. I felt good for him to open up to me just after a day.

"Girl, I have so much dirt." Mari walked into my house and shoved her shoes off harshly yet excitedly. "Okay." I replied, snorting as she almost fell over trying to run to the living room.

"The boy drove me home after a couple more drinks and he asked me out!" She jumped all around before settling in on my couch. I smiled and sat beside her, curling my leg and sitting on it. "That's good. Did you kiss?" She shook her head as she blushed and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"He's so sweet. He told me he wanted to take us slow so that we'd work out and stuff. He's so funny too." I listened as she described him to me and I felt happy for her. I don't have romance with anyone, but I'm a senior in high school; I don't need to be in a relationship.

"Okay, now back to you. What's up with you and Anderson?" She used his last name, just like everybody else, and gave me a hopeful look. I shrugged with a yawn. "We walked home together from the party and then talked a lot. He crashed here, upstairs." She widened her eyes and stayed silent for a moment with her mouth opening and closing.

"He slept here?" I nodded, she's my best friend but she doesn't need to know all the details. It would get around the school so quickly because of her blabber mouth.

"Yeah, he was drunk and didn't want his mom to see him." I lied, once again. She nodded and shrugged, understanding but not catching up on my lie. "That's understandable. My mom yelled at me this morning for it." I laughed as she shook her head, probably thinking about it.

"Sounds like your mom." I commented, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I have yet to eat lunch and I'm hungry. I made us both sandwiches as she walked in after me. "So, are you and Gabe like a thing now?" I shook my head feverishly. I mean, I don't think so?

"No, we're just friends. He actually thinks I'm really annoying." She scoffs as she takes a bite of her sandwich. "Yeah, right." I shook my head as I started to eat as well. "I'm being completely serious." I tut, placing my plate that only had crumbs on it into the sink; Mari did the same before following me to my bedroom. I'll just wash them later.

My eyes zeroed in on the large sweatshirt draping over my desk chair. Mari didn't notice at first but she sat right at my desk. "Is this his?" She picked up the material with a smirk and raised eyebrows. No point in denying it.

"Yeah, due to the little clothes you put me in last night I was freezing on our walk home and he was wearing that. I honestly totally forgot I had it." I mean, I didn't but at the same time I did. I purposefully didn't remind Gabe of it so that I could keep it. It was really comfy and soft, I am not about to just give it up so quickly. "You seem to have an answer for everything, huh?" I shrug, sitting on my bed with my phone. Thank the lords I did my homework yesterday.

"I mean, you can ask him if you don't believe me." I commented, looking through my phone. "Nah, I believe you. I don't think I could even imagine you bringing a boy into your room." She snorted as I glared at her. I'm not telling her the truth until Gabe and I actually get together; in other words, I will never tell her the truth.

"You can't sit there and tell me I'm wrong." That reminds me of that one video of the guys arguing about a Disney princess or whatever it was. "Anyways, when is your date with your man?" A smile instantly graced her lips, making me smile. At least one of us is happy. That was a little depressing, I promise that I'm okay. Maybe.

"I think tomorrow. He said he would text me the details about it." I nod, listening to her rant about this boy she only met like two days ago. You know, this all had me thinking; would it be so bad if I opened up to more people? I knew I needed to, but from all the years of my self-isolation I really didn't feel the desire to talk to anybody but Mari and maybe Gabriel now. I really haven't heard from my parents in a while either.

They usually call a couple times a week when they're gone but I haven't heard from them in two weeks. I worried but I knew they had business and things to do on their trips. Part of me even wondered if they weren't all business trips; if they only went on them for so long just to get away from me.

"Earth to Parker." Mari snapped her fingers in front of my face, successfully pulling me out of my daze. "You okay?" Her eyes weren't happy or content anymore as she searched my face. It actually held worry and sadness, probably knowing what I was thinking. "Yeah, just zoned out. Sorry for not listening." She waved me off dismissively as if it didn't matter but it did. I just tuned her out like I do everybody else but I shouldn't have; she is my best friend and I should listen to her.

"Maybe you should relax and do some yoga or take a bath. Have a weekend to yourself, since you're usually with me then. We'll catch up on Monday." She stood from her spot at my desk before walking over and wrapping me in her arms. I nod against her chest and thank her before walking her out. Now I feel even worse that she has to leave.

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