twenty five

5 1 0

Parker Elise Leon

Gabriel has been the biggest help and my best friend since I came home with him on Friday. Today, Monday, we sit together in the school parking lot. He was waiting for me to be completely ready, but I told him that I had to do this now or else I'd never do it at all. He respected my wish to come to school today and prepared everything for me.

He rounded the car with my wheelchair and helped me onto it. I hadn't touched my phone since Gabe gave it to me on the day I woke up and I didn't want to look at it. I knew if I did I wouldn't stop myself from looking up after pictures of my house. I haven't even seen it at all yet.

"You ready?" He slings his backpack over his shoulder after putting mine on the back of my wheelchair. I kiss his cheek as he bent down behind me and nodded. "I'm not ready, but I have to do this." We stayed quiet as he wheeled me inside the building. People hardcore stared at me, which made me uncomfortable but I went with it. Who isn't going to stare at a cripple who has been in the hospital for a month?

"Do you know how to roll the wheels with your hands?" I nod, I got the hang out it over the weekends I just hoped I wouldn't be stopped in the hallways. "I got it, if you want to head to class." He shook his head as he kept pushing me down the hallway.

"Is that Parker? Get your hands off of me! I need to talk to her." I heard her voice and looked back at Gabe. He nodded once and stopped moving my chair. "Aaron, let her go fucking see her best friend, man." An unfamiliar male voice reached my ears. "Parker, oh my god. I've missed you so much. Did you get all of my texts?" I shook my head silently.

"I texted them a while ago, way before I heard you woke up. I really need to talk to you at some point." I nodded with a small smile. "We can talk at lunch, if you're free." She looked over at Aaron but quickly looked away, grabbing her arm and nodding. "Yeah, we can talk during lunch. I'll meet you by that vending machine." She walked away after I confirmed I'd be there.

"You okay?" I nodded, happy that I could build back those bridges that were once burned. I didn't want to be her best friend after what she did to me. I'm sure my mind might change after talking to her today, especially after seeing how she behaved around Aaron and everything. I knew he had to be behind some of this.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just hope I don't run into Chloe." He winced, making me narrow my eyes. "Yeah, Chloe has been actually running an account for you. She's been extremely remorseful about everything she's done to you. She even made a fundraiser that helped with your hospital care when you were still there." My mouth dropped in shock. Are we talking about the same Chloe?

"I know, it was weird for everyone to see. After word got out that you'd been in a coma, people started to leave things in your locker for when you came back too. It was so sweet." Not more tears, what the heck.

"Hey, don't cry. Please, I hate it when you cry." He wiped my eyes before anything could even fall as I laughed. "I have to thank everyone somehow, can you take me to my locker?" He wheeled me over and opened it for me. There were many notes strewn about from being placed through the slits at the top.

"I think everyone wrote letters to you. You could write back." I nodded as I picked up every letter that I found. There were so many just piled up in here.

"Parker?" The familiar, female voice was soft as she said my name. I turned my head to see her looking down with an envelope in her hand. "I'm so sorry. I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I hope you can forgive me." I smiled at her as she set the envelope into my lap. "How are you?" She asked, flicking her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm good, how are you?" She smiled as we freely talked with one another. In this moment, I knew I'd found the heart that was buried deep inside of her.

"I'm good as well. I'm glad you're here and doing well. I was so worried about you." She smiled softly as she spoke. I was about to respond but the bell rang and we had to get to class.

Gabe wheeled me to all of my classes, even though I told him I would be able to do it myself. I think he was just being protective of me, which is understandable. He was always waiting for me outside my class a few minutes before the bell would ring so he could wheel me out. I felt bad that he had to do that for every single one of my classes.

Soon enough, lunch rolled around and I was eating with Gabe outside kn the hallway. I told him I didn't want to go into he cafeteria today because of all the stares I'd get and he happily agreed to eat out here with me.

"How are classes?" I wave my hand in a so-so motion as I finished chewing. "It's been okay, all of my teachers have been really favoring me which sucks." I grumbled, listening to his chuckle made me happy again though. "Yeah, I could imagine." We continued to talk about classes and our assignments before it was time for me to meet Mari by the vending machines. I wanted Gabe to stay with me for this one.

"Stay with me?" He nodded as he pushed me to the vending machine area that was further from the cafeteria and where we sat. Mari was already holding a water as she waited.

"Hey," I greet. She smiled at me and motioned me over.

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