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"We will now take suggestions on what movie to watch tonight."

Wes banged his gavel and Kurt sighed. While he enjoyed being a part of a group that wasn't chaotic all the time, he also saw the need to relax sometimes. And choosing a movie wasn't something that needed to be voted on.

But, sure enough, Warblers were standing and giving their suggestions, and each time David would put it to a vote. So far, Monty Python, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings had all been shot down and Kurt wasn't sure they were ever going to make a decision. We need something that's funny, that people can relate to but hasn't been shown...

Kurt raised his hand, the perfect idea coming to mind. "Warbler Kurt?"

"I propose we watch something that's not technically a movie." Murmurs broke out across the room and Kurt waited them out until Wes rapped his gavel. "It's movie length, but it comes off YouTube, and it's a parody. It's called A Very Potter Musical."

Blaine began to choke next to him and Kurt looked down, alarmed. "Blaine, are you okay?"

"Yeah... yeah, I'm good." Blaine's eyes were watering but he waved a hand dismissively. "Just .. breathed the wrong way."

David snickered and Kurt frowned before continuing. "Anyway, it's done by a small community group called Starkid and I managed to get a copy on DVD."

"All in favour?" David looked around the room as hands began to go up. Kurt and Blaine both had their hands raised and apparently it was enough. "Alright, A Very Potter Musical it is. We'll go set up the theatre room if you want to go grab it from your room?"

Kurt nodded, jumping off the couch and heading towards his room to grab the DVD.

As soon as Kurt left, David was out of his seat and falling on the couch next to Blaine. "So, how are you going to handle this exactly?"

Blaine shrugged. "Well he's seen it before, hasn't he? And if he hasn't drawn the resemblance yet, he probably won't tonight."

Wes sat on the armrest on the other side, smirking. "Who knew our little Kurt was an AVPM fan, hey Blaine?"

Blaine just shook his head. "Just don't say anything, alright? Let him enjoy the movie in peace, and the other Warblers for that matter."

The group headed off to the theatre room and Blaine began to hum under his breath before catching himself. Knowing all the words to every song probably wasn't a good idea to throw Kurt off his trail.

"Got it!"

Kurt walked into the theatre room to see all the Warblers assembled on couches with a spot left for him next to Blaine. Handing over the DVD, he sat down and smiled. "Have you seen this before?"

Blaine bit his lip for a second before answering. "Um, yeah. Bits and pieces of it." He stared at the screen quickly and Kurt frowned before dismissing it. Blaine had voted for the movie after all, so he must want to watch it.

As the opening scene began, the camera zoomed in on the actor who played Harry. He lifted his head to reveal his lighting scar and the audience laughed. Kurt had wished he could've gotten a version without the audience, but he took what he could get.

"Wait, no way!"

Kurt turned to see Thad staring at the screen open mouthed. Blaine took off one of his shoes and calmly threw it in Thad's direction, hitting him square in the head.

"Why'd you do that?"

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Many of the Warblers may have a tendency to interrupt movies with thoughts and ideas that nobody wants to hear." The last part was said deliberately loud and Kurt knew it was for the benefit of Thad. "By the way, I may need to borrow your shoes." Mystified, Kurt kicked them off and left them on the floor, Blaine nodding a thanks before they turned their attention back to the screen. Kurt decided it was another one of those Warbler things that he didn't really want to know about and left it at that.

As the movie went on, Blaine did indeed need to use Kurt's shoes, as well as one of David's. Occasionally, a Warbler would start saying something that Blaine seemed to disagree with and a second later, a shoe would be flying in their direction. Kurt couldn't work out what was going on but did his best to focus on the movie and hope a shoe fight didn't start.

Reaching the Yule Ball scene, Kurt couldn't help but clap his hands. "Oh, I love this bit!"

Blaine smiled. "Same actually."

"Do you know the song?" For as long as Kurt had been showing people the movie, he hadn't met anybody else who knew any of the songs. Of course he had the lyrics to all of them memorized and had all but given up on being able to sing any of the duets.

"Yeah." Blaine shrugged but Kurt nearly squealed with joy.

"Can you sing it with me?"

For some reason, Blaine looked slightly uncomfortable and Kurt frowned. "I mean, if you don't want to..."

"No, it's fine." The music started playing and Blaine began to sing.

"Here I am, face to face with a situation,

I never thought I'd ever see..."

As Blaine sang, Kurt felt a strange sense of deja vu but shrugged it off, knowing he'd heard Blaine sing enough times that it shouldn't be strange. Yet he knew that voice from somewhere else...

Almost missing his cue, Kurt began to sing Draco's part.

"What? What the hell is this,

You expect me to sing about her,

I don't care about her!"

Kurt smiled, feeling his voice rise to hit the notes that no other Warbler could reach. The others were watching them as they broke into the harmony before sharing the final verse. The look in Blaine's eye was playfully competitive and Kurt immediately rose to the challenge, belting out his section at the top of his lungs.

"- with Hermione Granger...


They drew the last line out before collapsing back into the sofa, laughing. The rest of the boys applauded before Nick started to say something. "You know, Blaine, your voice is -"

Another shoe flew across the room and everybody settled down to watch the rest of the movie.

As the credits began to roll across the screen, the boys stretched and began to chat to one another. Wes flicked on the lights and Kurt blinked a couple of times to try and adjust. Blaine chuckled next to him. "So, did you like it?"

"Loved it, as usual. I'm glad I had someone to sing with this time, it gets fairly awkward when it's just Draco singing most of the time." Blaine laughed again and Kurt decided to just go for it and say what had been on his mind for the second half of the musical.

"You know, you look a lot like the guy who plays Harry."

The room was suddenly silent and Kurt looked around to see everyone staring at them. Confused, he turned to Blaine who was biting his lip and looking around the room. And then it hit him.

"No way!"

Kurt stared at his friend for a few seconds before grabbing the remote and rewinding to the section in the credits where Harry's face was. "Darren Criss... Blaine?"

"I - I go by that name when I'm doing non-Dalton related performances." Blaine's voice was quiet and he was staring at the couch. "My friends needed a Harry, they wanted me to do it so I grew my hair out and filmed the part. We never expected it to go viral, and I didn't want everybody to just know me as 'the guy who played Harry' so I chopped the hair off and started the gelled look. So far only Wes and David knew, but it looks like everyone came to that conclusion."

The rest of the Warblers voiced their agreement, Blaine hesitantly looking up. "I know it's kind of weird and dorky but I -"

Kurt leant in and kissed him. He wasn't sure what possessed him to do it - apart from having been in love with this guy for like, forever, of course - but all he knew was that Blaine was Darren and Harry Potter and that was hot. After a moment of shock, Blaine began to kiss him back until the wolf-whistles echoed around the room and Kurt pulled away.

"I just need you to do one thing."

Blaine smiled, looking slightly dazed. "Yeah?"

Kurt reached up and flicked Blaine's hair lightly. "Ditch the gel, Potter."

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now