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"Kurt, Blaine, we need you guys to help us out with something."

Blaine cringed, knowing that voice. He went to run away but Kurt grabbed his arm, turning to face the two boys coming towards them.

"Wes, David. What can we do for you?"

"Well, you see, Kurt, we've got a bit of a problem, don't we David?"

"Yes, we do, Wes. Would you like to tell them about it?"

"You guys are worse than the Weasley twins! Just tell us." Blaine rolled his eyes at his friends antics.

"We can't afford to pay for the bus to Regionals."

Blaine was shocked into silence, which allowed Kurt to chime in. "Wow. I wouldn't have expected that of Dalton, but I know how it feels. McKinley always has to do fundraisers to get the money together. Did I tell you about their last one?"

"Yes, you did, and that's where we got our idea from." David smirked, holding up a hand to stop Blaine who had finally found his words. "Our sister school is visiting this weekend for the day and we usually put on some events for them. We were thinking this year of holding a kissing booth, rotating a few Warblers through it, and we wanted to get you guys to help us out with it."

Blaine snapped. "So, do tell me, Wesley, why have you come to the two most openly gay guys in Dalton and asked them to help?" He felt Kurt's hand on his arm, squeezing it reassuringly as he stared at the other two boys.

"That is a very good question, actually. Why us?"

Wes and David glanced at each other, both looking uncomfortable. "Well," Wes finally said, "I say this in the straightest way possible.. but you're the two best looking guys at this school."

Blaine blinked. He hadn't been expecting that. Glancing across to Kurt he saw the younger boy in the same state of confusion. I mean, Kurt's beautiful yes, but me?

Apparently Kurt was mirroring his thoughts as he blurted out, "Me? I mean, Blaine's gorgeous but -" He stopped, eyes growing wide as he realize what he had said.

Blaine glared at Wes and David and they quickly left. He turned to Kurt who was looking at the ground, blushing. "Hey, look at me. It's okay." Kurt looked up and Blaine smiled. "I take it as a compliment, and you're pretty good looking yourself too."

Kurt's blush doubled in intensity and he scuffed a shoe across the ground - something Blaine found highly endearing. He took Kurt's hand. "Come on, we'd better go tell Wes and David that we're doing this - are you okay with it?"

"If it's for Regionals, yes. I can handle kissing a few girls."

"How many girls are there?" Kurt stared wide-eyed at the buses pulling up, stuffed full of excited looking girls.

"I don't know. I didn't expect this either." Blaine swallowed nervously from beside the kissing booth. He and Kurt were both rostered on for later in the day so they were just chatting to Nick for the time being who was also eyeing up the hundreds of girls piling into Dalton. Except the look on his face was pure bliss.

"They're stunners, guys! This is going to be awesome!"

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other and rolled their eyes simultaneously before smiling. "Shall we find something else to do until it's our turn?" Kurt asked.

"Definitely. I just need to stay away from the girls completely, because of that stupid bet Thad has going." Blaine rolled his eyes as he thought of the bet that the Head Warbler had thought it would be funny to implement - seeing how many phone numbers Blaine would end up picking up by the end of the day. He wasn't meant to know about it, of course, but David hadn't quite mastered the act of keeping his mouth shut.

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