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Even though the last performance the Warblers had done was a complete failure on Blaine's part, he was quite liking this idea of performing for the general public. People certainly seemed to be getting into the song - the couples were cuddling up while the single people were just enjoying the company of other people. We'll have to thank Kurt for this later, Blaine decided, chancing a look at Kurt to see how he was enjoying things. What he saw nearly caused him to miss his next line.

Kurt was staring back at him with a look of pain in his eyes. For the second that their eyes locked, Blaine could see he was holding back tears long enough to get through the performance. And suddenly everything from their conversation that afternoon clicked into Blaine's mind.

He likes you, dimwit. Now the question is, why does him being upset make you this upset?

And the warm feeling Blaine had been experiencing every time Kurt had looked at him the past few weeks finally seemed to make sense. What he thought he had felt for Jeremiah was nothing more than a crush; a figment of his imagination in comparison to what he felt for Kurt. Blaine had simply ignored it, continuing to think of himself as Kurt's mentor and forcing his feelings to act that way. If he really stopped to think about it, the signs were obvious. The way his heart skipped a beat when Kurt's hand brushed up against his during rehearsal. How he would argue with anybody else about radio stations until he was blue in the face but easily let Kurt listen to whatever he liked. And whenever Kurt was upset - like now - Blaine would jump through hoops to make him smile again. He had fallen for the boy he was meant to be a mentor for.

Kurt doesn't need a mentor anymore, the voice niggled at him again. You told Jeremiah how you felt, why not tell Kurt.

Yes, Blaine decided as the song drew into its final lines. As soon as they had finished up and gotten everything packed up, he would get Kurt alone and tell him everything.

The song finished to thunderous applause and Blaine turned to congratulate the other Warblers as per usual after a performance. Clapping Wes on the shoulder, he turned to Kurt to see him rapidly disappearing through the other Warblers towards the door. As he passed the New Directions table, Mercedes half-rose out of her seat to try and intercept him but he quickly shrugged her off and walked out, the door swinging behind him.

Blaine muttered to Wes that he'd be back in a moment then headed off after Kurt.

"Hold it right there, Mr Anderson."

Blaine froze as Mercedes intercepted his path.

"I swear to you, Blaine, if you've hurt my boy, I won't hesitate to cut you. What happened to him?"

"I don't know for sure, Mercedes, but I think I know how to fix it. Please let me go? If I hurt him, you're more than welcome to come after me."

Mercedes examined his face for a second. "You really are serious about him, aren't you?" Blaine nodded and her face broke out into a huge smile. "Well, what are you doing here? Go tell my boy that!"

She sat back down next to Rachel who gave Blaine a thumbs up. At least I have their support, Blaine thought to himself as he pushed open the door, looking around for Kurt.

He didn't have to look far. Stepping off the path, he walked over to the tree that Kurt was sitting under, his legs drawn up under his chin. Blaine hesitantly sat down next to Kurt, not sure whether he wanted to be alone. But even if he did, you wouldn't leave him here would you? Mentally telling himself to shut up, Blaine chanced a glance across to Kurt who was staring across the car park vacantly. Should I say something or just leave him to his thoughts or -

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