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"Okay, we've drawn the third slot guys!" Will joined the group again, holding the schedule of events. Rachel immediately began to murmur about this giving them 'a clearly well needed edge' as they headed off to the green room to drop their things. Kurt lagged behind the group, keeping his head down as he walked and wishing he was anywhere but here.

It wasn't that he didn't love performing, but Kurt was just so tired of everything. He didn't want to get up on stage and put on that same fake smile he always wore and pretend his life was fantastic. He didn't want to join the group who pretended to be one big happy family, knowing full well that none of them understood him or what he was going through.

Ever since Karofsky had kissed him, Kurt had shut off from people completely. He knew that nobody from the New Directions could ever understand how that sort of thing felt and didn't want to have to try to explain. And after the death threat, he had just kept his head down and did his best to get through every day without drawing attention to himself. Mercedes had noticed, but after a few failed attempts to make Kurt talk, she had given up. The girl was stubborn, but she took things far too personally, and her decision had been that if Kurt wasn't going to talk, then she wasn't going to bother. Now they hadn't spoken in about a week. And Kurt figured that Rachel might have noticed if she hadn't been too busy trying to consecutively get over and win over Finn as well as throwing her temper tantrum because she didn't get her solo.

Kurt had considered telling his father about the death threat from Karofsky, but he and Carole were still in the honeymoon stage and Kurt didn't want to disturb them. After all, apart from a few extra locker shoves and 'reminders' to keep his mouth shut, Karofsky hadn't exactly tried anything. And if he did, Kurt wasn't too sure if he cared anymore.

"Let's go grab some seats." Will clapped his hands together, jarring Kurt out of his thoughts. He dropped his bag next to the others and followed the group again into the auditorium, taking the seat on the end of the row and resting his head in his hands. All he wanted was to get this over and done with, sway in the background like they wanted him to, and then go home. Simple.

The Hipsters took the stage and Kurt allowed himself to zone out. They were cute enough for old people but their performance wasn't really competition worthy, unless the judges took sympathy on them. And maybe it would be a good thing if they did win - Kurt didn't have the energy to prepare for another competition.

After the senior citizens had shuffled off the stage, Kurt heard Santana from a couple of seats down. "Oh hey, here comes homo school."

Gritting his teeth, Kurt drew his attention back to the stage as Dalton Academy entered, their uniform catching his eye immediately. While Kurt could never see himself giving up his clothes, if he ever had to wear a uniform that one would win. As the group moved into a formation, Kurt couldn't help but check out the boys on stage. There were a couple of good looking ones - one of the blondes in particular caught his eye - but he knew Santana's words weren't true and most of these boys were probably straight. Still, looking didn't do any harm.

And then the group began to harmonize and Kurt's eyebrows raised. Is that Hey Soul Sister?


One of the boys began to sing, clearly their lead, and Kurt's eye was drawn to him instantly. How did I overlook him? he wondered to himself, smiling unconsciously as the group sang. Apart from being quite clearly attractive, his voice was strong and nothing short of breathtaking.

Kurt couldn't stop himself from watching the rest of the group as well, wondering why they didn't seem bothered that they were just singing in the back instead of getting their own solos. And then he noticed that they all actually looked happy. Yes, everybody looked happy when they performed but Kurt had worn enough fake smiles in his time to know one when he saw it and these boys were actually happy up there. Their voices moulded together and Kurt realized that was what it was like to be a part of a team.

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