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Kurt winced, pulling a headphone out of his ear and switching off his music. Blaine took the other one and handed it back to him, rolling his neck to try and ease the tension before grinning at Kurt.


Kurt raised an eyebrow. "No, not really. But I think there's enough excitement to go around." He waved a hand to where all the Warblers were eagerly scrambling off the bus, pushing each other to be the first off.

"It's a water park, Kurt! How can you not be excited?" Blaine was hopping up and down in his seat, waiting for Kurt to stand up as the bus cleared.

Kurt smiled at his overexcited boyfriend, still trying to get used to that word in his head. It was only three days since a nervous Blaine had come into his room and spilled out his heart, right in the middle of Kurt's essay. Ever since then, Kurt had worried about how he was supposed to act around a boyfriend Blaine but it appeared they would, for now, just be friends who held hands and hugged more often than normal. And Kurt was okay with that.

"It's just water, Blaine. 75% of the planet is made of it." Grabbing his bag, Kurt finally stood up, Blaine following suit. As they stepped off the bus and eyed up the almost-deserted water park, Kurt felt a stab of nervousness. He quickly hid it as his boyfriend took his hand, almost pulling him in.

"Look, Kurt, it's all ours!" Blaine spun in circles, looking at all the empty rides and Kurt couldn't help but laugh. David's request to his parents for his seventeenth birthday was to have the entire park to themselves for the day and somehow - Kurt didn't want to think how much something like this would cost - they had arranged it. Another quick talk (and probably another donation) to Dalton secured the use of one of their buses for the day and the entire Warbler group was off for a day of fun.

Well, fun for most.

"Come on, Kurt, let's put our stuff down and go get changed." Blaine was dragging him to the changing rooms and Kurt attempted to breathe calmly, knowing the inevitable was coming. They chucked their bags on the bench with the rest of the Warblers' stuff and Blaine grabbed the sunblock out before turning to Kurt.

"Hey, I'll need you to put this on my back - what's wrong, Kurt?"

Kurt snapped to attention and tried to smile, but Blaine had caught on to him. Putting the sunblock down, he stepped over and pulled Kurt into a hug. Kurt waited until his hands had stopped shaking then pulled away, sitting down on the bench, Blaine following suit.

"What is it? You're not scared of water are you? Because you could've told me, I wouldn't have made you come -"

"No, it's not that." Kurt sighed. "I guess you would have found out eventually." He reached for the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head and refusing to look at his boyfriend.

"Tell me about them?" Kurt looked up, surprised. Blaine's voice was so gentle and understanding that Kurt found himself sharing stories he never thought he'd have to bring up again.

"Most of them are from various dumpster tosses where somebody didn't judge it properly and I hit something sharp, or locker slams. This one here," Kurt pointed to a large scar running along his left side, "is from getting pushed into an open locker door. Azimo. And that," he gestured to his shoulder where a large faded mark was, "Karofsky. When he grabbed my shoulder and -" Kurt trailed off, ducking his head again.

Then he jumped because a set of fingers were gently tracing the scars along his chest. He looked at Blaine who was staring into his eyes intently. "You're beautiful, Kurt."

Kurt felt himself choke up slightly as Blaine ran his hand over his shoulder, then took it away and reached for his own shirt. Pulling it over his head, Kurt couldn't hide a gasp as Blaine's torso was revealed. "You too -?"

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