Romeo and Juliet

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Blaine winced as David's voice echoed through the Warbler commons where the group had been quietly studying. There was a sudden scurry of movement and the boys vacated the room, running eagerly to the noticeboard outside the drama room. Blaine sighed and put his books away before getting to his feet. Ever since the auditions for Romeo and Juliet last week, the boys had been on tenterhooks to see who had gotten in.

Walking down the hallway, Blaine could hear filtered conversation drifting towards him. He saw some of the boys cheering and slapping each other on the back, David being the most excited - Blaine guessed he must have gotten Tybalt. A few of the boys were grumbling about being cast as girls; James and Nicholas were commiserating together over being cast as Flint and Josh's respective wives. Others were chattering excitedly about sword fights and potions.

As Blaine drew near the board, Thad saw him and yelled, "It's Blaine! Great stuff, man!"

Blaine smiled politely, not sure exactly what Thad was on about. Clearly he had gotten a part of some kind - he had gone out for Prince Escalus but he had already heard Jesse saying he got that part. Pushing his way through, he took a look at the board, starting at the lower characters where he was sure his name was going to be. He made his way up, still not finding his name until, right at the very top:

Romeo: Blaine Anderson


Blaine wasn't sure how he felt about the part. He had gotten the lead in the last play and had wanted to step back and let one of the other guys take it this time, but apparently Dalton had other ideas. Not that he was that fussed about it; he had wanted to play Romeo after all. Smiling, he went to turn before freezing, staring at the name below his.

Juliet: Kurt Hummel

Blaine had known he was going to get it of course. He had watched Kurt audition, sauntering in like he owned the place and delivering the lines perfectly. He was also one of the only boys who would willingly play a female part over a male. Of course Kurt was Juliet.

But now that the two names were sitting together, it sent a shiver down Blaine's spine as he realized they would be playing a couple in the play. This certainly wasn't a bad thing, at least not in Blaine's book. He didn't know about Kurt though -

Speaking of Kurt. Blaine turned to see where the younger boy was, certain he wouldn't be missing this for anything. Sure enough, Kurt was pushing his way through the crowd, trying to get to the board. Blaine reached out a hand and pulled him through, earning a grateful smile before Kurt turned his attention to the board, letting out a squeal as he saw his name.

"Blaine! I'm Juliet!"

Blaine put an arm around his friend in a half-hug as he literally hopped from excitement. "Congratulations, Kurt, I knew you'd get it."

"Oh, this is so exciting! Do you think they'll let me design my own costume?"

Blaine laughed at Kurt's excitement before the younger boy turned to him, calming down a bit. "Oh, wow. Okay. What part did you get?"

Pointing towards the top of the board, Blaine watched Kurt's face for a reaction. At first there was a hint of shock before a grin spread across his face. "Blaine, that's amazing! Well done! But ... I thought you weren't going for the lead?"

"I didn't," Blaine explained as they made their way out of the huddle of excitement. "But I guess they thought I'd make a better Romeo than a prince." He mock-pouted as Kurt giggled.

"Guys!" Wes came running up to them, David a few steps behind. "Guess what?"

"You're Mercutio?" Blaine asked. He hadn't checked to see what the other boys had gotten but Wes' performance had been outstanding and he would be shocked if he hadn't gotten the part.

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