Letters from Blaine

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The commute between Dalton and Lima had always been an issue for Kurt. Obviously boarding helped a lot, but going back for weekends or being able to hang out with friends after school was never easy anymore. Of course he and the girls made things work - they always did - but Kurt missed being able to just show up at Mercedes's house whenever he liked to surprise her. He missed the unusual family dynamic they had just managed to get going before Kurt had left. And, as such, he always found himself leaving for the weekend.

Of course boarding at Dalton had its positives - one of those being Blaine. Blaine was the reason Kurt could keep smiling as he left his family, and that same smile would stick around for the whole two hour drive because he knew he would be seeing Blaine when he got back. It sounded stupid for someone who was just a friend, but the best part of Dalton for Kurt was Blaine.

... that said, if Kurt could have things his way, he knew he would be more than just friends with Blaine. But after everything Blaine had been through the past few weeks - crushing on Jeremiah, kissing and dating Rachel - Kurt really didn't think he was ready to go after anybody else for quite some time. And when Blaine was ready to move on, the chances of his next choice being Kurt were probably even slimmer. Still, as Kurt pulled into the parking lot, he couldn't be sad. Not really. He still had Blaine as his friend and that was what was important. So right now, he was going to go to his room, unpack his weekend bag and then go track down Blaine and see if he wanted to grab a coffee or something.

Smiling, Kurt quickly climbed the stairs to his room, greeting Wes and David as he walked by. He paused for a second, wondering what the look on their faces had been about - as if there was an inside joke and he wasn't a part of it - before shrugging and carrying on. Everybody had their jokes after all.

Unlocking his bedroom door, Kurt immediately tossed his bag onto the bed and unzipped it. He didn't like his clothes being folded for a long period of time and set to hanging them immediately. So it was only when all of his clothing was away and the bag was stowed safely in the bottom of his closet for the next weekend when Kurt turned back to his bed and noticed the small black book in the centre of it.


Crossing the room, Kurt picked it up and frowned. He had a vague recollection of seeing the book somewhere before, but couldn't place it. And as much as he hated invading other people's privacy, he knew he needed to check who owned it to return the book. Besides, it was on his bed.

Opening the front cover, Kurt's frown deepened as he took in the first page of writing. It's... for me?

Dear Kurt,

This book is, to put it simply, letters for you. Now, I know it sounds weird, but let me explain. This is the method my dad used when he was my age to determine his feelings for my mom - he wrote a book of letters to her every time he learned something new about her or had something he wanted to say but couldn't. And he decided that the book would work it out for him. If he gave up partway through, ran out of things to talk about, or decided he wasn't interested in my mom anymore, he would just stop and that would be that. But if he reached the end of the book, he would give it to her and let her decide.

So, if you're reading this, that means I've filled the book and I still feel the same way as I did when I wrote this first letter. It's currently the day of your transfer, and I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time, but I can feel myself falling for you already. I know it's not what you need right now though with everything you've been through, so I'm going to give you what you do need - a friend.

Please read on, and read everything. I can assure you that I won't have given this to you and stuck around. I know me, I'll have left this on your bed when you went home for the weekend and then gone to hide out somewhere. So take your time, and enjoy learning about me and the way I've been seeing you.

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