Stella & The Commercial

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Chapter 21

Waking up with your period was one of the worst things. You either wake up from the pain or the excessive amount of blood.

I got out of bed angrily and look at the time. 5:30 in the morning, much earlier than my alarm which was scheduled for 6:30 am. I march to the bathroom and use the toilet before hopping into the shower.

I let my body soak under the hot running water for almost 30 minutes before finally mustering the strength to get out. The sun was barely rising when threw on a robe and started brushing my teeth. I felt more refreshed but I still felt like shit.

I pop two ibuprofen for the day before swallowing it down with the water on my nightstand and wandering into the kitchen. Nobody was there, as expected and I started looking through the cabinets for something to eat.

It looks like Julius went back and got groceries because when I opened the fridge, the empty milk from yesterday was replaced. I smile lightly as I push past to grab the yogurt behind it.

The front door opens as I'm seated at the counter shoving strawberry yogurt down my throat. I turn toward the door to see Julius shirtless, glistening with sweat, and wearing a towel around his neck.

Why did he have to be so good-looking?

"Good morning." He says to me as he walks toward the water dispenser in the kitchen. "Good morning." I mumble back as I eat my yogurt.

"Have you had breakfast already?" He asks.

I hold up the small yogurt container to show him, "Right here."

He frowns at me, "That's not enough. Do you want to faint again?" He opens the freezer and pulls out a box of frozen waffles, placing them in front of me. "You want me to toast this for you?" He asks.

I shake my head at him, "I'm fine Julius, I'll eat later. I don't have much of an appetite at the moment."

He quirks his eyebrow at me, "I thought girls are usually really hungry on their periods?" I chuckle as I get up from my seat to throw away the yogurt container. "Not this girl."

He sighs, "Well regardless, you need to eat something more than yogurt before going to work."

"I promise I will eat during lunch break. And I'll pack snacks okay?" I grab my phone off of the counter, "I'm going to get ready." I tell him before heading back to my bedroom.

I change into my business casual clothes before applying light makeup and tying my hair back. The ibuprofen seemed like it was finally starting to work, as my cramps had gone down significantly. I grab my purse and files I may need before heading back to the kitchen.

Julius wasn't in the kitchen and I figured he was getting ready himself for the workday. I throw some granola bars from the pantry into my purse before getting my keys and heading out.

The drive to work from the office was fairly short, almost 15 minutes. I arrive at the office and give brief greetings to fellow employees before heading to my floor. I sigh as I take a seat and begin my workday.


The thing about these medications is that they only last for so long before you have to take them again. Four hours into the workday and the piercing cramps had returned. I still had another four hours to get through before I could go home.

I took another set of ibuprofens and waited patiently for them to kick in as the numbing pain began. I took deep breaths, trying to ignore the pain before diving back into my work.

A knock on the door snaps me out of it and I turn with a glare at who was disrupting me. Greg stood at the door with a grin on his face before entering.

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