You Are Mine [Orochimaru] for SapphireRiddaru

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"I did not sign up for this!" a voice yelled as the source of it ran through the forest.

"Come out, come out where ever you are," a voice taunted.

When Mar signed on to be a Jounin and take part in the Chuunin Exams, the twenty-eight-year-old woman thought it was going to be a breeze. All she had to do was watch the Genin and make sure they stayed out of harms way, right? Wrong! Orochimaru decided to show up unexpectedly and Anko sent out high ranked Jounin to help track him down.

Mar never had the best of luck, and now was one of those times. She just happened to run into him as he was trying to escape and the man had taken a liking to her after she tried to capture him herself. Turns out he still had some fight and power left in him and Mar became the mouse in this chase.

"You can't hide from me," Orochimaru teased. His dark chuckle resonated through the air, sounding closer. Mar picked up speed, feet barely touching the ground. "My, my, you're a fast one, aren't you?" The woman whispered silent curses in her head. "But not fast enough," the voice spoke in her ear.

It startled Mar so bad she froze up, not concentrating on her running anymore. Her foot slipped as she fell short of the next branch. The Jounin began falling fifty feet to the ground, unable to catch herself.

Shit! Mar yelled to herself, watching her head get closer and closer to the ground.

She jerked to a stop, something wrapping around an ankle. The sudden motion popped Mar's left knee out of place and she cried out in surprise. Mar felt herself being pulled up, only to come face-to-face with Orochimaru. "Hello," the man spoke, a sadistic grin on his face.

I am so dead, Mar thought, trying to keep her cool and trying to think of a way to get out of this situation.

"You didn't honestly think you could get away, now did you?"

"Honestly I did since you looked pretty pathetic when I ran into you." They stared at each other, Mar glaring, Orochimaru amused. "You know I'm starting to see red?"

"Yes, I know. Your face is turning a nice shade of pink." An irk mark appeared on the side of Mar's head, eyes showing her irritation, jaw set. "Did you know a vein pulses on your neck when you're irritated?" The Jounin blushed. "It's very... erotic."

Mar's face turned a whole new shade of red, trying to throw a kunai at him, but he easily caught it between his free fingers. "That's not very nice. I gave you a complement."

"Shut up!"

That caused Orochimaru to grin even more as she struggled and squirmed to get out of his grip. "If you're trying to get out of this situation, don't. You're under my control now."

Mar rolled her eyes. "Right, because I'm that weak of a Jounin."

"If you were stronger you would get out of this."

"If my leg wasn't out of place then I would be kicking your ass to high heaven!" she huffed, causing Orochimaru to chuckle. "Are you going to kill me?"

The criminal pulled her closer to his face. "I'm thinking about it."

"So then what's stopping you?"

Orochimaru scanned Mar's up side down face. "You intrigue me. You definitely posses a fighter's spirit and you're strong. I can tell."

"And your point is...?"

Orochimaru grinned. "I think I'll keep you around a little while longer." He jerked Mar forward till her ear was right beside his lips. "So I'm gonna keep an eye on you."

His teeth punctured the skin behind the earlobe, making Mar's mouth open in shock, eyes going wide. She beat her fists against his chest and shoulder blade, trying to get him off, but her efforts were useless. Finally, Mar's hands fell slack, body going numb.

Orochimaru removed his teeth from Mar's neck, licking up the blood. The action caused the woman to shiver involuntarily. The man smirked against her ear, whispering, "I must take my leave, but don't worry my dear. I will be keeping an extra close eye on you."

"You're the enemy," Mar breathed, suddenly feeling tired. She heard Orochimaru chuckle as her vision became blurry. "I'd... never..."

"Oh, but you will, in time," he reassured her. "I have left my... special mark on you, my dear. You are mine... Mar."


"I've been watching you for a while now. I've known you a lot longer than you think."

"I... hate you..." She could barely see anymore.

"You may now, but later is a different story." Mar closed her eyes. "I will be coming for you, Mar..."


"... r... ar... Mar... MAR!"

The woman jumped up from her lying down position, blinking wildly and looking around. Anko was crouched in front of her, startled as well from Mar's reaction. "Are you okay?" she asked with worry.

"Where's Orochimaru?" Mar asked.

"Gone," Anko breathed in frustration. "What are you doing out here?"

"I-I..." Mar didn't know how to respond at first. She took a deep breath before answering. "I fell, and dislocated my knee."

Anko shook her head. "Now is not the time to be careless," the woman said, looking down at Mar's knee.

The ninja puffed out her cheeks in frustration, crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, I thought I was being followed, okay? I was paranoid. You know this place gives me the creeps."

"Yes, I remember what happened during the Chuunin Exams for you..." Mar looked away, not thinking of anything in particular. "You sure you're injured?"

"I think I know when I'm hurt, Anko."

"Well then I must be going blind. Your knee is fine."

Mar's head snapped to her knee, feeling the bones, which was neatly put back in place. Orochimaru? No, that's impossible. He doesn't have a sympathetic bone in his body... right?

"I must've hit my head," Mar growled, standing shakily.

"Let's head towards the tower. The Genins' should be done. We need to meet up with them."


Mar reached up behind her ear to itch at something that was bothering her. Her fingers grazed over two puncture wounds that were slightly swollen. She froze before touching the skin again. Shit... that wasn't just a dream...

"Mar, you coming?" Anko asked from her perch on a tree.

"Uh... y-yeah!"

Mar jumped up and raced towards the tower.


Orochimaru chuckled from his hiding place, watching as Mar rushed towards the tower. "Just you wait, my dear. You will come to me, or I will come for you. Take your pick. That mark will never go away. You are mine, and mine alone, Mar. No matter what."

The criminal then disappeared from the forest.

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