We're Even [Dosu] for Nameless Dancer

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Name: Moriah Nishuir

Age: 15

Looks: 5'1/2" (height) and sturdy for her height; blue-green eyes that change color

Weapon: Broadsword; can also bend the elements (Avatar reference)

Like's: Reading; drawing; listening to music; talking to her friends; playing games of any kind.

Dislikes: When people interrupt her when she is reading or drawing, this will actually piss her off really bad; being touched randomly by people she doesn't know very well or complete strangers.

Personality: She can be quiet around people she doesn't really know then she is more open and is sometimes described as 'crazy' by onlookers; has trouble trusting people with her real emotions thoughts 'til she knows them better; she's usually bubbly; is very empathetic of what people feel and think and will feel the same as them; it's hard to anger her, but when you do she will usually hurt someone and feel bad about it later.


Moriah nearly slipped, catching herself on a branch as she rushed through the trees. It had turned out that the centipede, which was supposedly a harmless creature in the outside world, was now a flesh eater when the size of a house. It had already ripped off one of her teammate's arms, the other carrying him. "Forget about the scroll!" he said. "Just get to the tower before Eiji here bleeds to death!"

"Fine, then go!"

"What about you?"

"Your jutsu can only carry one! Don't worry, I'll catch up." She could see the hesitation in his eyes. "We'll become Chuunin next year, but if you don't hurry up there will be no next time for him. Now go, Jien!"

The two disappear in an instant, Moriah's broadsword coming around and scrapping against the tough shell of the creature. Feet touching the nearest tree branch she went to jump, only for the back of its body to come around and cut the wood at the base and throw her off. The ninja was falling unable to catch herself. Looking down she watched as the centipede came swooping in, mouth open. The teen had but a split second to react, hands pulling together. But before she could utter a word something wrapped around one of her ankles and jerked the girl out of the way of its snapping jaw.

Moriah's head whipped up, surprised to see someone had caught her. An enemy going out of their way to help her; it was unheard of. The creature was killed in an instant by an invisible attack, the two swinging up into the trees. "Careless," a rough voice grumbled. Coming to a halt, Moriah found herself staring at a Sound Ninja upside down. "How did you even think you could be a Chuunin?"

Her brows narrowed. "Well you don't look any better yourself," she muttered. His devilish appearance made it clear he too had been in his own fight.

The teen didn't comment. "Your team has abandoned you."

"No, they went on ahead because they were in trouble."

"A dangerous plan, leaving yourself out here in the open."

She grew nervous. "What are you going to do?"

"Depends on if you have something to offer."

A scroll. That would be the only reason he would 'help' her. "Even if I did have it, and gave it to you, what assurance do I have that you won't kill me?"

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