How Much? [Yamato] for BleachMyLife

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"End of the line for you, pal," the rogue stated with a sadistic grin. Scrapping his blades together to make them sharper before going in for the final strike, he stalked his prey.

The man grunted, holding his bleeding arm tightly. It was gushing out at such a rapid pace he'd die from blood loss before the enemy was through. The enemy knew every vital point in the human body, going after each one with the intent to kill. Every ninja to have ever gone against him ended up dead. They called him, The Butcher. That's why this was an A+ mission. But ANBU, they should've been a match for this rogue. No, they had been slaughtered, the whole team, including the one that was to give the surprise attack. Only he was still living... at the moment.

Nothing worked against this guy. He sliced through everything they threw at him, guarded against any jutsu. It was inhuman, the way he fought and moved. As if the man were supernatural.

"Give it up, ninja! Those calculated eyes of yours will never figure a way out of this! I'm going to cut your up like I did to your friends and leave you for the birds to find!" The Leaf Ninja dragged himself backwards in a poor attempt to get away. But it was useless. He was going to die here like the others. "Time to die!" he grinned, sword at the ready.

I'm sorry...

Something slammed into The Butcher's side with force, throwing him backwards through the air and breaking a tree in half. Startled, the ninja watched as someone landed feet in front of him, crouched low. Their daggers were fixed in hand at the ready as the enemy picked himself up, cursing up a storm. The shocking red-orange hair was a dead give away, the ponytail flowing in the wind.

"You're going to pay for that!" he roared, running forward.

"Mila, no!" Yamato yelled as she took off in a dead run straight for him.

The masked ninja suddenly cart-wheeled forward, foot snapping under the man's jaw and making him flip backwards. A chain wrapped around his ankle, throwing the rogue through the air like a whip, snapping the man into a tree trunk. Everything froze as the ANBU Ninja watched and waited for things to settle so she could see her enemy more clearly.

He roared in anger, The Butcher barreling forward, weapons swinging. Mila matched him move for move with swift steps that could rival the Yellow Flash. Yamato watched in amazement, never seeing anything quite like it. Sure they had trained together, been on missions, but never had he seen such technique. How had Mila become so fast without him noticing?

A blade came in for her neck, the young woman bending backwards in order to avoid it. Another came from the side, her dagger being thrown up in protection. Gaining the proper leverage, the ninja flipped away to gain some space. "Release: Smoke Bomb!"

The ground literally exploded with black smoke, obscuring everyone's vision. The Butcher cried out in alarm, looking down at his suddenly bleeding arm. It was nearly sliced to the bone. "Ninja! I will kill you!" An iron arm blade came from the smoke, carving the man in the side. "Enough!" A burst of wind exploded from his body, throwing Mila into a tree. The smoke cleared away, revealing the target. "You're mine!"

"Mila, run!" Yamato yelled, having taken a strap and pulling it taunt to stop the bleeding. "He's going for your vitals! Just run!"

"Yamato, shut it!" she ordered in irritation. Shuriken flew through the air, slowing the man down a little, giving her enough time to grip the trunk in her hands and flip up the bark above him. The tree quaked at the impact, breaking at the base and falling over. Mila took to the trees before coming down on the brute and driving a dagger into his neck. He cried out in agony, gripping her ankle harshly and throwing her through the air. The young woman caught her footing, facing the man.

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