Planned [Kiba Inuzuka] for Angel of Darkness

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Name: Kumari Suzume

Description: She isn't a ninja and wants to become one, but her father won't allow it. Her line of work is taking care and training ninja animals, like dogs, hawks, pigeons, etc. Dogs are her specialty if they need vaccines, TLC, baths, food, water, and resting. She works with Hana Inuzuka that's how she knows Kiba.

Looks: Shoulder length sandy blonde hair, which is either pulls up in a messy bun or ponytail, and blue eyes. Can be usually found dressed in jeans and a loose T-shirt.

Personality: Is sweet to the animals, but quiet around people she doesn't know, having a hard time making conversation. She's clumsy and even ends up tripping over flat surfaces. She's easy to get to laugh or smile.


Kumari laughed wildly, being licked to death by the large ninja dog above her. "I missed you too, Akamaru," the older teen giggled.

"Hey, Kumari," a voice called from the door. "Has Akamaru- Akamaru!" The footsteps ran closer, two hands gripping the dog's collar and pulling the animal off. "Sorry about that, Kumari! I only said we would be stopping by for a visit. I didn't know he would run right over the minute it left my mouth."

"It's alright," she stated, sitting up. "What can I do for you today?"

"I wanted to know if you could help me give him a bath."

"I was wondering what the smell was." The teen waved a hand in front of her nose for emphasis. "What did you guys do?"

"There was a mission in the Land of Water on one of their many islands. Our destination just happened to be in the swamp lands."

"Well, you get the metal tub in the back out, and start filling it up. I'll grab the shampoos." The boy and dog disappeared out the back door, Kumari glancing through her products before deciding on three possibilities to get out the smell, two more to kill off any germs or bugs that could be lingering in his coat, and one that was simply dog bathing soap to wash away dirt and grime.

"Think you have enough?" Kiba joked when the girl walked out of the building.

"Hey, you wanted Akamaru to be nice, clean, and healthy." The dog barked in approval, wagging his tail, while his master hosed him down.

The two worked well into the afternoon, scrubbing the canine clean till his coat was white again. He licked the side of Kumari's face in approval, causing her to giggle. "Don't worry, you're almost done. One more wash down and you'll be good as new."

Seconds later Akamaru shook out his coat, spraying both humans with water. They threw up their hands before the dog took off, barking wildly in approval at being clean. "Easy boy, easy," Kiba chuckled, reaching forward to grab his collar. However, because his hands were wet, they slipped. He stumbled forward, unable to stop, colliding with Kumari and sending them both tumbling across the grass.

"Not to be mean, but you're crushing me," the girl croaked out.

"Sorry," the ninja stammered, pushing up onto his elbows to give her room.

"It's okay, Akamaru is sneaky." They both looked over at the dog a few feet away, who cocked his head to the side in innocence. Kiba rolled his eyes, glancing down. Though his cheeks darkened at the position they were in. Kumari then glanced up at the ninja, her cheeks doing the same noticing that one of her hands was resting against his muscular chest.

"So, uh, how much do I owe you?"

"Oh, well, it's no charge."

"You're running a business, Kumari. How much was it?"

"Really, Akamaru and you are my best customers and friends. I couldn't take your money. And I work with your mom."

"Then could I pay you in another way?"

Kumari cocked a brow. "Another way? Um, I guess, but I don't know how-?"

She was silenced by a kiss, causing her eyes to widen. Meanwhile, Akamaru covered his eyes bashfully with his tail. "Well, there is that," Kiba breathed against her lips. "And maybe treat you to dinner."

Kumari was blushing heavily, but smiled all the same. "I'd like that."

The ninja kissed her swiftly, before pulling the teen to her feet. Both of their eyes then landed on Akamaru, who was grinning. "You planned this, didn't you?" He sneezed in response before circling them both, stopping by Kiba's hip. "Uh huh, I thought so," he mumbled, scratching his canine companion behind the ear. Then to Kumari he asked, "Hungry?"

"Starving," she grinned.

Naruto One-Shots *Closed to Requests*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora