Best Shot [Deidara] for Amelia Elric the Electric Alchemist

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Angie hummed to herself while tending to the garden. It was relaxing, no one bothering her in the forest that surrounded her home away from Iwagakure. It was a nice transition from the Village's hard exterior, made out of rocks to mirror the attitudes of most ninja that inhabited it.

A twig snapped, all animal sounds in the forest cutting off. Immediately, the teen's senses heightened, searching for the threat in the area. It could just be a predator, but that did not mean she could let up her guard. Angie had had her fair share of rogues travel by in the past. Something shifted in the underbrush, arm snapping up and releasing the hidden kunai. Thunk. A shadow casted over the grass to the left and Angie kicked up a leg, redirecting the wrist gripping a weapon.

A fist landed in the attacker's gut, causing him to fly backwards into the trees. "I suggest you leave, or else I won't hesitate to take you in to the Tsuchikage," Angie scowled. "It would be my pleasure."

Suddenly, a hand gripped the back of her neck and squeezed tightly causing her body to fall limp.


The teen groaned, slowly waking to find it was later, the sun setting through the windows. Angie quickly sat up, looking around. Somehow, she had ended up back inside on the couch.

"About time you woke up, un?" The girl's body stiffened turning to look at the doorway. "It took a while, but I managed to finally track you down."

"Why?" she whispered.

"Because I was in the area on a mission and needed a place to crash."

"Damn you, Deidara. Get the hell out of my house. You're going to get me in trouble." He only smirked. "Do you want me to lose my ranking?"

"Ah, a ninja now, are we, yeah? Last I saw you, you were still only Genin. So what are you now, un? Chuunin?"

"Jounin," the girl glared.

"Surprise, surprise. What brought you out to the forest, un?"

"None of your damn business."

"Not that I mind. It worked to my advantage, yeah. At least I didn't have to sneak into Iwa."

"Get out."

"Are you going to make me, un?"

"Is that a challenge?"

"Give me your best shot, yeah."

Angie lunged, throwing the terrorist to the ground. However, he knew she would do this, catapulting the girl over his form into the next room. The body disappeared as it hit the wood, surprising Deidara. An arm locked around his neck, hand fisting into the hair to pull him back. He stared up into Angie's glaring eyes and could only smirk, even if her grip was tightening and it was getting hard to breathe.

"Un, now this is a position."

Raising an arm, the tongue situated in his palm came out and gave the teen a long lick across the cheek. Angie shrieked in surprise, falling backwards. "Deidara, you jackass! I'm going to kill you!"

He smirked at the reaction, pinning the girl to the floor. "You can try, yeah."

They rolled around on the floor, the both of them trying to gain the upper hand on the other. Punches were thrown some making contact and others missing.

"You are such a jerk! Get out of my house!"

"No way, un. I think I'll stay here whenever I'm in the area."

"No, you won't!"

Her fist missed his cheek, causing the young man to smirk. His hand wrapped around the wrist, pinning both to her chest in a cross. "I'd say I won, yeah."

Angie yelled in frustration, trying to move him off. "You can't stay, so just get out and go back to where you disappeared to so many years ago."

"Not yet, I have some unfinished business here, un."

"Then find someone else to harass! Or better yet kill being a terrorist and all!"

He kissed her roughly, shutting up the teen. "No," he breathed when pulling away. "Because you're too good to pass up, yeah."

Deidara kissed her again with just as much passion, finally gaining the response he wanted from her. His hands pinned her own to the floor, bodies pressing together. He wasn't going anywhere for a while.

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