Victory Will Be Ours [Neji Hyuuga] for Destiny Uzumaki-Neji's Girl

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"You... idiot..." he wheezed. It was difficult to breathe with the branches sticking out of his chest, but even more so with the heavy weight pressing against his back.

A strained laugh came from that person before coughing up blood. "Sorry... Guess we were... both thinking... the same thing."

Naruto and Hinata could only stare in horror at their two friends who had been impaled back to back in order to protect them. "Chie, why?" Hinata sobbed.

The older teen had thrown herself in front of Neji, having known what he was thinking before even moving. It was an attempt to save him but the speed in which the branches had been traveling at completely ripped through her, just stopping past the Hyuuga's chest.

Shakily raising her now heavy arms the palms pressed against the bark before snapping it clean off and allowing herself to fall to the ground. "Chie!" Hinata exclaimed. Rushing to the ninja's side, the Chuunin held the girl in her lap, while Naruto still held Neji. The Jounin's head was resting against her shoulder, unable to hold it up herself.

"Damn..." she coughed. Everything hurt and it was getting difficult to see.

"Why would... you do that?"

Naruto and Hinata were still in shock by what had happened, neither bothered to interrupt their conversation. Chie snickered as a shaky smile to her face. "You idiot... you're so oblivious." The Jounin coughed violently causing more blood to escape her lips. "It's because I love you." Neji's eyes widened and she forced herself through the pain to smile wider. "I've... always... loved you."

He sighed heavily and smirked. "Guess I am..." He coughed up blood. "Naruto..." Just hearing his name snapped the ninja's attention to him. "Hinata... is willing to die for you. So keep... in mind that your life... is not your own... anymore... It also includes Chie and mine now as well..."

"Why did you do such a thing for me?" his voice shook. "Why did you throw away your life?"

Neji smirked, thinking back to a time when the two had been enemies during the Chuunin Exams. When he had a different view towards his destiny in life. So much had changed since then and it wasn't just because of Naruto, but Chise as well; the middle child of the Inuzuka Clan. Not as hot headed as her brother and sister, but still had a temper in battle. She showed him a whole new way to look at life as well. However, none of that would have been possible if Naruto hadn't said one thing.

"Because you said... that I'm a genius," Neji stated with a smile. The tears. Chie couldn't stop them as the Hyuuga looked her way. "Maybe... in the next life, Chie... we can act on... our emotions."

She gave a grin and a soft laugh, the two watching as the light in their eyes began to fade and the two ninja were left holding the limp bodies of their comrades. But neither had a doubt in their mind that this war would not be won. They would be victorious, sharing the same thoughts before passing on,

I love you.

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