Survivor [Gaara] for Amarante

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"Gaara, your new guard has just arrived," Temari said.

"Send them in." The Kazekage didn't even look up from the document he was reading, hearing his sister shuffle around before fully entering. Though he heard no one else. "I thought you said the guard was here-?" The young man looked up, surprised to see someone standing beside the blonde.

Temari smirked. "Told you she was good. Didn't even hear or sense her, did you?" The redhead nodded. "This is Sunaina from the Jounin Division." The ninja bowed in greeting. "She'll be around the next couple of months while the Nations' sort out those rogues that have been causing issues."

"But a good thing they're not as crafty and skilled as Akatsuki," Kankuro snorted, coming into the room. "Baki wants to meet with us."

Gaara stared at the girl in the room, who was not wearing the traditional Jounin vest. Only the black pants and shirt underneath, including sandals. Her long dark hair was pulled up in a bun, bangs completely covering an eye. However, there were three black strips that ran out from under the strands: one that crossed the forehead before coming around the back and over the right cheek, while the third wrapped over the bridge of the nose to connect in the back. Though the one green eye that he could clearly see was watching him, yet gave nothing away.

"This job is not as exciting as being out on the field," Gaara said. "You'll be making rounds through the building and filling out paperwork."

"I don't mind."

Her quiet nature did not surprise him, having been trained in the stealth program. Though that did not mean she was shy. There was an obvious confidence about her when she moved and focused on the work at hand. She even came highly recommended by Temari, who had been placed on teams together for time to time. In the file it said the ninja had been an assassin until an accident. It was then Sunaina decided to remain a Jounin. Though it was unclear what exactly had happened. Those details remain oddly missing, even from the medical files at the hospital.

"I'm making rounds," Sunaina stated that evening. "Do you want me to deliver some of this paperwork along the way?"

He nodded, watching the guard go.


Four months and the activity had increased among the rogue ninjas. They were causing problems for the Kage Villages, moving without warning so teams could not catch up with them. "If our Trackers are correct, they could be appearing in Suna or the Leaf today," Temari said. "Of course, they aren't known for making definite decisions until the last minute."

"Which could threaten the Village," Gaara pointed out. "Even if they don't come heighten the security. We don't know who their target will be this time." The sister nodded, leaving. "Sunaina." The ninja stepped up. "I want you on the roof with the other guards, scanning the area."

"What if they come here? You'll be vulnerable."

"I'll be fine. Though if they attack the Village, I'll need you to be there right away on the scene. Hunt them down even if they run out of the gates. This will end."

"Understood, Kazekage."


"They probably won't even show," a Chuunin said. The three other men turned their heads to look at their partner. "I bet they moved towards the Leaf. I mean at this hour they honestly can't be thinking of moving. It's nearly dusk."

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