Haunted [Sasori] for Arisa Belle Yume

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"What the fucking hell!" came Kisame's voice. The loud noise drew everyone's attention in the hideout, wondering what had caused the sudden outburst.

"Wonder what happened now, un," Deidara commented, looking around the corner from where he sat in the living room. Sasori glanced up from his puppet, annoyed, but followed after his partner down the hall.

"What the fuck?" Hidan questioned. "What is my scythe doing here?"

"How the hell should I know!" the shark man continued to yell. "Keep an eye on your damn weapon!"

"What's wrong?" Itachi questioned as everyone approached.

"That thing is possessed! I know you're obsessed with that God of yours but keep it under control!"

"Kisame, explain," Pein ordered, clearly annoyed by the whole situation. "Out with it."

"I was just walking down the hall when it came out of nowhere! The scythe was literally acting on its own and tried cutting me up into its personal sushi!"

"Lily..." Sasori sighed in irritation, drawing everyone's attention.

"Excuse me?" Kakuzu questioned.

"Nothing. I'll take care of it." The redhead turned away.

"You know, this isn't the first time something weird has happened," Konan mused, thinking carefully. "Just the other day I walked into my room and my clothing was thrown all over the place, the drawers lying on the opposite side of the room."

"And my clay went missing, un!"

"Tobi's candy was stolen!"

"My seeds were rearranged too," the White Zetsu spoke.

"But none of the alarms triggered," added the Black.

"Something is going on," Itachi stated.

"Yeah, but what?" Kisame asked. "I'm afraid to let my guard down in here!"

Sasori gathered up his puppets before retreating into his room, locking the door and returning to his work at the desk. "Lily. I know you're there."

There was a flicker of movement just off to the side, as a human figure appeared, sitting on the top shelf of the desk, legs carelessly crossed. A girl with short, bright orange hair stared down at the puppet with an irritated expression. "Don't even think about giving me that look, you're being a nuisance and causing me a headache. I have every right to be angry at you."

"You're all assholes," Lily spat, looking off towards a wall. "It's your fault I'm here in the first place!"

"I have no control over my partner and his display of what he calls 'art'. He's the one who blew up your Village."

"You were there and didn't stop him! And because of that I'm dead! Dead, Sasori!"

The man sighed, looking up at the ghost girl who was fuming. "Leave Kisame alone from now on. And no more controlling weapons."

"Serves you all right. Fuck the Akatsuki! I'll haunt you to the end of time! And even when all of you die, I'll haunt you in spirit form as well! Don't think you can escape me that easy!"

"I wouldn't dream on it, but the others are growing suspicious of your actions."

"Feh, let them. They can't explain stuff they can't see."

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