Safe [Gaara] for Welcome Home

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"That's not fair!" Gabrielle exclaimed, not knowing whether to slam her fists on the desk in irritation or cry from frustration.

"I've already made my decision."

"So all of my fellow comrades can go out onto the battlefield and fight, while I'm being ordered to stay inside the safe walls of Suna and do nothing? I deserve to be out there as well, protecting my home!"

"You don't understand."

"Then help me understand, Gaara!"

The Kazekage's face was expressionless, not giving anything away as he stared down the Jounin in the office. She was frustrated, that much was certain by the look directed his way. Though it wasn't like Gabrielle was the only one staying behind. There was a handful of ninjas who were assigned to this mission. They had taken the news a lot better that her.

"Suna will be weak without its defenses while we're off fighting this war near the border. In case there is a sneak attack that we are not aware of from Akatsuki there needs to be a separate force to guard the wall until help can arrive if need be. We can't allow ourselves to be open to a plan such as this. We're playing safe."

She went to say something in retaliation, but was cut off, "Advisors, Genin, non-ninjas, they will be the ones left behind. What good will they be against S-Ranked, ANBU, and Jounin leveled criminals? Someone needs to protect them, and I can only assign those I trust to this job since I will be away."

Gabrielle huffed, crossing her arms and looking at a wall, glaring. "Why can't Kankuro or Temari stay?"

"They are head of the Sneak Attack and Fuuton Squads." Her teeth clenched, knowing the plans were already in motion. It would be too late to change anything, but she wanted to be on that battlefield more than ever. "I'm also leaving you in charge of Suna. You will be acting as the Kazekage."

Gabrielle's head snapped back in his direction, shock replacing anger. He nodded. "You see now why I am having you stay. We have been working together for years and are a very trusted ninja. I need you here to make decisions that I won't be able to make. After all, you can sometimes read me like a book and know what I would do in certain situations."

The teen's cheeks flushed, looking at the floor. "Shut up," she grumbled, causing him to secretly smirk.

"We leave tomorrow for the Land of Lightning. Everyone staying behind knows you're in charge. I'll leave some other instructions if I think of anything on the desk."


Gaara stood, getting ready to leave. "I know you wanted to fight, I'm sorry. But there will be other missions."

"It's not that..."

The Kazekage sighed. "I know. You wanted to kill Zetsu."

It had been that criminal that made Gabrielle all too eager to join the Academy, for he had been the one to kill her parents on a mission that had been labeled as a B, when clearly it was an A+. They were unprepared for what awaited them.

"Whatever. Just make sure you don't go easy on that ninja if you see him. That cannibal bastard deserves whatever he gets."

Another reason he was keeping her behind, unknown to Gabrielle. Her hatred towards the criminal could cloud her judgment and get her killed if she rushed in.

"Thank you, Gabrielle," the Kazekage said, coming up beside the ninja.

"Is there anything else?"

With one hand Gaara reached up, cupping the side of the teen's jaw and pulling her forward before leaving a gentle kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened, startled. Pulling away, the Kazekage breathed, "Protect our home, and stay safe."

"Shouldn't I be saying that to you?" Gabrielle countered, cocking a brow and trying to calm down the blush that dusted her cheeks.

"I'll be fine," he stated, kissing her again.

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