Secrets [Itachi Uchiha] for Kasumi No Mai

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Name: Kasumi No Mai

Age: 14

Looks: Black hair that goes to the middle of her back and golden-brown eyes.


He was a criminal from the Leaf Nation. The murderer of his Clan. A master of the Sharingan. A member of Akatsuki. But so was she. Orphaned on the road as a baby, her parents offered her up to Kakuzu when they did not repay a debt. But that was not what he had wanted, killing the two humans before him. Yet he could not leave the child, so he took her in and raised her as his apprentice. That was how she met the Uchiha. He trained Kasumi in the art of stealth and speed when not with the miser in the medical wing.

And that was where the attraction began. She knew deep down it hurt him to murder his family who was staging a plot to overthrow the Leaf's power. That he did it to protect his brother, Sasuke. Itachi had told her everything one day after practice. She noticed something off about him and even managed to land a blow. It was the anniversary of the Clan's death. Finally, Kasumi understood who this ninja was. That his outward appearance was all lies. An act. When Itachi left, Kasumi grew worried, even when he didn't come to dinner.

The teen's knuckles wrapped against his door, receiving no answer. Letting herself in the room was dark, save for the light coming from the bottom of the bathroom door. Kasumi crossed the floor, ready to knock, but paused upon hearing the horrible coughs from inside. His breathing was ragged, panting. A hand gripped the doorknob turning it quietly and peeking inside. Itachi was hunched over his toilet, clutching the rim with shaking hands. His shoulders trembled, dry heaving before blood escaped his lips.

"Itachi..." she whispered.

His pale face snapped up in surprise. "Kasumi, you should leave." But she was unconvinced he was okay, watching as he began coughing once more. She moved further inside, taking a wet cloth to wipe the sweat from his face and rubbing his back comfortingly. Eventually it all stopped and the young man weakly moved towards his bed.

It was then the teen discovered he had an incurable illness. Soon, in time, he would die, much sooner than anyone expected. Kasumi didn't want to believe him, nearly crying at the news. But she refused to do so. As a ninja and an S-Ranked criminal, displaying such emotion was a sign of weakness.

"It's okay, Kasumi."

The girl's head shook. "No it's not," her voice cracked.

He sighed, pulling her to sit beside him before wrapping an arm around the teen's shoulders. "I wish I could live longer. To see you grow older. It was something I was looking forward to when we first met. You are more mature than your age suggests. But you will find someone else in time, I promise you."

Kasumi was too sad to even care that he had somehow discovered her crush on him, only sobbing in response. Her hands came to up to cover both eyes, trying to hide the tears as they began to spill over. The young man kissed her forehead before resting his head atop hers. "You can't tell anyone, Kasumi. Even my partner does not know." The ninja nodded, unable to say anything. "Thank you."


The next morning, Kasumi found herself in the medical wing, looking through a new book Kakuzu had acquired, while the man restocked the shelves with supplies. Both looked up when the door opened, seeing Itachi. "Training."

Kakuzu nodded. "Take her away."

She closed the book, following the ninja through the halls. Their conversation, mannerisms, and interactions were the same as always, not giving anything away that something was wrong. Itachi could confide in Kasumi, always, and she would take this secret to the grave. Even if she didn't want the news to be true.

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