Promises [Hidan] for Mr. Mrs. Trafalgar Law

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The calm atmosphere of the forest was broken when a female figure crashed through the underbrush. Her movements were sloppy, tripping over rocks, being slapped by lower branches when she went to glance over a shoulder. Quickly ducking behind a tree the trunk shuddered as the girl scrambled barefoot across the leaves and grass. No matter how much it hurt, the young woman ran very aware her pursuer was close behind.

Ripping her way through a bush she went crashing into a hard surface and yelped from the impact. Quickly looking around to figure out which way to run, she realized the object in front of her appeared to be some kind of door that lead into the hill. The boulder was large and most likely too heavy to move, and there was even a possibility that this 'home' was empty.

"Help! Someone please help me!" her fists pounded harshly against the surface.

A noise came from behind, causing the female to whirl around. There was no time to hesitate, as she lunged to the right roughly to avoid the attack. When it hit the rock some shards shattered off slicing into her skin. Looking up from the ground through long strands of dark green hair, her eyes were wide.

"Now, now, now, you didn't think you could get away from me, did you, my dear?" the man's voice hissed.

"Please," she breathed. "No..."

"Don't worry. This time, I'll make sure you don't get away. I'll break you into an obedient little servant."

The young woman screamed as he advanced. A scythe came out of nowhere, embedding in the ground between the two. Both looked over quickly to see that the boulder had pulled away revealing a tunnel. Slowly, a whole group of men began piling out, eyes set on her assailant.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," a man cackled. "Orochimaru in the flesh." The snake man's face paled. "How the hell did we get so lucky?"

"Do you want him alive or dead, Leader?" the red head asked.

"Do as you please," he answered.

The silver haired man grinned, jerking his weapon out of the ground. "Dead it is then!"

The young woman was completely forgotten, slowly crawling away from the battle that ensued. But the run had caused fatigue to wash over her, unable to stand from the strained muscles in both legs. Orochimaru coward away covered in wounds and out matched. Though his eyes narrowed, landing on her. "Don't think this is over. I'll be back for you."

"You're not going, anywhere, un!" the blonde, who was known as Deidara, shouted.

"Enough," their Leader stated. "Do not pursue." His purple eyes turned on the young woman. She grew nervous, attempting to stand, yet failed every time. "Who are you? And what is your ties with Orochimaru?"

By now everyone was staring. Her bottom lip trembled. "Maybe the brat is a mute," grunted Sasori.

All criminals. They were all in the black book. Even in her years of a ninja she knew who these people were. Akatsuki. She had stumbled upon Akatsuki. "How the hell did she manage to avoid our traps?" Kakuzu muttered. "Or even find the entrance."


"Are you a spy?" Konan asked.

Her head shook. "Feh, well thanks to you, Leader, I'll have to go and find my own damn sacrifice!"

"Why not use the girl?" Kisame suggested.

The man grinned, stepping out from the shadows. "Now that's an idea."

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