It's A Date [Naruto] for Magic Eyelashes XD

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"What are you doing, Naruto?" Shikamaru sighed.

"Looking for Nini." The knucklehead stood on his toes trying to scan the crowd for his friend.

"She was heading towards the activities hall." Pausing, the teen cursed to himself before booking it through the school. Shikamaru shook his head. "As always. So forgetful."

Naruto pushed through the students, mumbling sorry to them as he passed. Barreling around a corner, his hand caught the edge and swung himself around. Eyes landing on the two figures standing at the end of the hall he stopped running, walking swiftly forward.

"Come on, it'll be fun," the raven-haired teen said.

"I really don't want to-"

His arm reached out, blocking the girl from moving away. "You never go to parties, why not try having some fun for once."

"That's enough, Sasuke," Naruto interrupted. He drew their attention, the blonde's hand clasping one of Nini's shoulders. She was relieved, while the Uchiha's expression hardened.

"We're busy-"

"Well I think you're done." Naruto stepped in front of the girl. "Don't you have football practice?"

"Don't you have a ballerina lesson to go to?"

"Very funny." Turning away he pulled Nini with him before fully draping an arm across her shoulders. Both ignored the glaring teen behind them, walking towards the doors.

"Thanks," Nini breathed. "I thought you said to meet in the activities hall?"

"Er... I had to stay after class."

"Meaning you forgot."

The boy scratched the back of his head. "Sorry."

Her shoulders shrugged. "It's okay."

"No it's not. That bastard was trying to put the moves on you. He has every girl in the school in his palms, yet it still is not enough for him."

"Don't worry, he's not my type."

"I'd be afraid if he was," he grumbled. She giggled in reply, rolling her eyes.

Something suddenly hit Naruto's back, causing him to stumble. "Since you were so panicked you forgot the bag by your feet," Shkiamaru stated. He continued walking throwing a, "Your welcome," over a shoulder.

"You could've just handed it to me!" Naruto called. Making sure the lacrosse stick was still secured on the equipment bag, he hoisted it over a shoulder before they continued walking towards the field.

"Was there something you wanted to ask me?" Nini spoke up. "Since you wanted to meet up, cuz I need to head to the store and pick up something for my mom."

"Oh, yeah, that's right! Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to brave that party with me... But seeing as that greedy Sasuke's going to be there I'm not so sure I want to deal with him. Would you settle for dinner and a movie?"

Both of their cheeks were pink, Nini biting her bottom lip in thought. It was a quality he always found very attractive about her, and had to focus on something else so his face didn't turn red. She then nodded. "That sounds great. Much better than Ino's party."

Naruto grinned, arm wrapping around the girl's shoulders a little tighter. "Naruto! Hurry up!" Choji called. "The coach will be here any minute!"

"I'll be right there!" His attention turned back to her. "I'll see you at seven then?"


The teen kissed her lips quickly, grinning like an idiot before walking backwards towards the field. "It's a date!" Nini got over the shock, smiling as she watched him jog away.

"I look forward to it."

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