Sight [Tobi/Madara] for Aya yakushi kabutos little sis

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"Tobi is a good boy!"

Delhi glanced up from the object she was working on, trying to peer around the glasses that were enhanced with magnifying lens to be able to clearly see the small gears inside. A black blob rushed past the cracked open door, followed by a blonde. "Get back here, yeah! You're dead!"

Shaking her head, the girl got back to work, sliding the last mechanism into place. "Perfect." Moving the headgear onto the table she picked up the metal glove slipping it over a hand. Fingers flexing the plates moved with ease and chakra built in the palm. It began to make a noise, revving up as the panels began to glow. The power multiplied from its normal strength, running up and down the arm. "Good." Aiming the palm at a bare wall she grew curious, releasing the energy.

There was a blast that rocked the base, throwing members off balance and some out of their chairs. "What the hell was that?" Hidan snapped.

"It came from Delhi's room," Zetsu said.

Everyone ran in the direction, dust having filled the hallway and making it difficult to see. "Tobi's coming!" they heard the overly loud ninja shout. Coming up on the destroyed doorway, Tobi was dragging out a coughing young woman who was covered in soot, clothing in tatters, and looking devilish.

"What happened?" Pein asked.

"New product," Delhi coughed. "Had a little too much juice."

"I'll say! Do you know how much money this is going to cost?" Kakuzu shouted.

"You'll get over it."

Tobi shook out as much dust as he could from her hair before checking of any injuries. "Does anything hurt, Delhi?" Kisame asked.

"Only my ego."

"You're bleeding," Konan said.

"Tobi's got her!" Before anyone could say anything, the idiot ran off, dragging the girl behind him.

"Well, I'm not cleaning this shit up!" Hidan snapped.

"I'm fine really," Delhi said. The young man set her on a chair in his room, rummaging under his bed before pulling free a box.

"No, no, Tobi's got it! Tobi will play doctor!"

"You can stop with the act, Tobi. You and I both know we're alone."

He chuckled, personality quickly changing. "That was not your brightest idea."

"Maybe not, but it made things lively around here."

"I do not understand your fascination in tinkering with your toys." The man pulled free a bandage, dabbing on some ointment.

"It keeps me busy and somewhat useful seeing as that my strength is growing weaker."

"No, it isn't."

"Madara. We both know in less than a year I will go blind. That is half of a ninja's power, especially for my Clan. Loose it and I might as well be a Chuunin at best."

He sighed, removing the mask before pushing stray strands of hair from his face. "I know. But playing with the unknown in terms of machines is dangerous. You're lucky you only got singed. This time." She didn't say anything. "What were you working on?"

"Gloves that enhance a person's chakra. It doubles. Possibly triples if I make the right calculations."

"If you don't lose a limb first."

"Maybe... But I have to find some way to see."

Madara looked up from the wound he was wrapping. "You're hoping to find a way to revert the process of your deteriorating sight."

Delhi nodded. "Find a way to create energy that can enhance whatever cells remain active."

"What if there aren't any?"

"If I can pump chakra into my nerves they will activate under the headgear, which will increase my levels and create an infrared."

"So raising your levels isn't just so you can see, it's to survive."

"Half of it will go towards my sight, and the rest to fight. Otherwise, I could die right then and there. Another reason why I've been bothering Kisame these last few months to teach me how to increase my chakra levels beyond what they are right now. There's no telling how much time I have left."

Madara grasped her hand tightly. "You'll be fine, I promise. Even when you do go blind Akatsuki will stand by you. Don't listen to Hidan."

"It's not like they know what's going to happen, which is fine with me. I don't want to be seen as weak."

The man chuckled. "Don't worry, you're not." Pulling out a strip of black cloth he tied it around her eyes. "Now, let's test your sense of sound. Find me anywhere in this room without using your chakra." Delhi nodded. Everything fell silent, the young woman calming her heart rate and listening intently.

"By the bookcase." Something shifted, telling her she was right. "On the ceiling." Delhi waited a few moments, not hearing anything. "You're not even in this room."

Madara chuckled, coming out of the wall. "Very good."

"Closet." Though the door did not open. "The bathroom." Though it was separate from the main bedroom. "Under the bed." Though the sheets did not move. Her breath didn't even hitch, but paused before answering, "Right in front of me."

His hands reached up, taking the ninja's face between his hands and kissed Delhi. Her breathing shuddered when they parted seconds later, but neither of them removed the blindfold. "Shall we work on touch next?"

Delhi smirked, reaching out and grasping the hem of his shirt with ease. "Tempting." The young woman threw the man onto the mattress, holding him down. "Do your worst."

"Believe me, I will not go easy on you."

She bit her lip, the action making the man grow excited. "I know."

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