Killing Me Softly [Hidan] for iwuvtobi

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"What a pest," a voice sighed heavily. Sitting on the stone steps, her dead eyes looked out over the wide space. The white cobble was stained with red blood, body parts too. Holding a bloody short sword in hand, the young woman didn't even bother to try wiping away the liquid that coated her visible skin, or removed the stained clothing. She had wounds of her own, gashes, cuts, stab wounds, and bruises. Nothing new to her. They would completely heal in a few hours. "In your next life, don't attack a traveler who you believe is weak." Eyes watching as the blood dripped from the tip of the dagger, something shifted across the deserted courtyard.

"What the hell happened here?" a rough voice muttered.

"Isn't that our guy?" another questioned.

"Dead by the looks of it. He's of no value to us now."

"Damn it! Lord Jashin will not be pleased about this!"

"Will you shut up about your stupid cult and pay attention? We're not alone."

Looking up he noticed the quiet woman, who hadn't even spared a glance their way. "Oi! Woman! You see the bastard who took our kill?"

Her eyes lazily glanced up at them, uncaring. "What's it to you?"

"I have a score to settle with that bastard, and Lord Jashin is pissed as hell for not having a sacrifice!"

Eyes rolling, she looked away, uncaring. "Then you're looking at 'em."

Both men were surprised, but then noticed that the red on her clothing was in fact dry blood. "You a Hunter?" the other man questioned, ready to attack.

"I'm a traveler. He's the one that jumped me and got himself killed."

The silver-haired man grinned. "Is that so?" He was gone in a flash, blade slicing the woman up the middle. "Then I'll just use you instead."

Her dagger lodged into his chest, startling both men when she stood up, glaring. "You'll have to do better than that," the young woman stated coldly.

He grinned before throwing her backwards, blade and all. Catching her footing she watched as the attacker's wounds began to heal itself. Different... But the same.

The man was relentless, cutting up the traveler and not slowing when she too attacked. Neither of them were backing down, much to the man's annoyance, while the woman was intrigued. "Enough of this, woman!" he yelled.

This time his scythe came in faster than before and she was unable to block. The blade ripped into the left side, till it was halfway through the body and getting stuck on the spine. He grinned sadistically, her form falling limp to the ground in a pool of her own blood. "About damn time," the man muttered.

"Are you done?" his partner asked. "Because this is annoying."

"Shut up and let me perform my ritual."

He threw his hands together, ready to start... but nothing happened. "Damn..." a voice gurgled, startling them. "And here I thought I found someone strong enough to actually kill me. I'm sadly disappointed."

"How the hell are you still alive!"

"Same way you are, though I don't bow down to anyone or offer sacrifices." Grey eyes turned on him, dull and uncaring. "Do you mind taking your scythe out of my body? It's really annoying." Too shocked to argue or try to kill his opponent again, the silver-hair man removed the blade. "Fuck, you ruined my clothing, and I'll be stuck here for a full day. You happy now?"

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