Heartbroken [Gaara] for It's Raining Stars

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It was pouring rain in the desert, so violently that it was hard to see, and land along rivers were experiencing flash flooding. Though no one in their right mind would build their homes near the dried, cracked land because they knew what would come in the rainy months. But the harsh weather could not force one person indoors as they walked through the empty streets. She seemed to be in a daze, sluggishly dragging each foot forward, wobbling here and there as fatigue began setting in. Just where was she going, the young woman did not know. Everything was blurry.

A hand clasped her shoulder, whirling the ninja around and causing her to stumble and weakly look up. The rain had stopped, but that was only due to the sand that had collected forming a makeshift umbrella. The shocking red hair was another give away as to who it was. "Gwen?" he questioned. Gaara looked over the young woman covered in deep cuts and bruises. A shoulder even looked dislocated. It was the fact that she was alone made him worry. "What happened?"

"Am... bush..." the word barely left her lips before fainting. The Kazekage quickly caught the ninja eyes scanning the dark streets. He couldn't detect intruders, knowing that Gwen did not manage to get away without a fight. Using one hand to form a sign it whisked them both away and to the front door of the hospital. Medical personnel instantly rushed forward to help, rolling the ninja away on a bed.

"Lord Kazekage?" a ninja questioned.

"Wake my brother and sister, and get me Baki and two trackers," he ordered.


The ninja left quickly, leaving the young man alone to wait to hear from the doctor.


Gwen's eyes shot open and screamed, unaware of her environment and began trashing from the I.V.s and wires that were stuck into the arms. There was a spasm that came from the shoulder, which was now wrapped under the hospital gown. But the feeling was ignored trying to do nothing more than escape. A cool hand gripped the uninjured shoulder, head whipping in the general direction but in the dim lighting and her panic it was difficult to see who it was.

"Calm down," a voice spoke. "Calm down. You're safe." As the seconds ticked by her breathing evened out, no longer hyperventilating and Gaara's face came into focus. "Do you remember coming through the gates?" Mutely she shook her head. "What is the last thing you remember?"

"Running..." she whispered. Her hands, which had grasped his arms, began shaking.

"The information."

"Hidden shirt pocket... on the inside..."

There was movement by the door, Gwen watching as Temari moved from the doorway, older brother following. She didn't even know they were there in the first place. "Where are your teammates?"

"Rogue River Ninja... We were ambushed and..." Silent tears began trailing down her cheeks "Ryo and Genna are dead," the young woman's voice cracked.

"How?" Gwen's head shook, not wanting to remember. "You have to tell me so the trackers can look for their remains. There is a chance-"

"Ryo was decapitated and another drowned Genna when they tried protecting me!" she shouted. "Because I had the information! I ripped my arm out trying to get away! They nearly..." She was balling by now and Gaara held her closer. "I left them!" the ninja sobbed. "I left them behind! I didn't mean to-!"

"You had to. For the mission. Any other ninja would've done exactly as you did. That information is crucial for the Kages."

"The Hokage was right. There was an organization forming. They have to be taken care of quickly. Gaara, their numbers are greater than we anticipated. They-!"

"Is it all in that hidden pocket?" Gwen nodded. "Then we will read it. You need not say more. Breathe." It came out with a shudder. "You're going to survive. The medical team removed any toxins from your body from where the poisonous blades pierced your skin. One of the reasons you could barely function in the rain." The Kazekage kissed her softly, staring at his fiancée under hooded eyes. "I love you, and this was not your fault. You survived because your teammates knew how important it was for you to make it back to Suna alive. You would've done the same thing for them if Ryo or Genna held the information."

"It hurts..." she whimpered.

"I know." Gaara had felt the same kind of pain when he lost his uncle. Guilt. Fear. Self-hate. But she had been the one to help her through that incident, and he would gladly repay her for it now. The Kazekage only wished it would have never come to this. That Gwen would not be faced with this kind of heartbreak. But lets face it. Being a ninja nothing could be guaranteed. Death was almost certain to happen out in the field no matter how much one could try to prevent it.

He kissed her again helping her lie back down to try and get some rest. The young man never left her bedside vowing revenge on the rogues that made his fiancée feel this way.

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