Idiot [Deidara] for Raven Blackstar Fallows

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"I'm going to blow you up, un!" came the ever so familiar voice of a certain blonde.

"No! Tobi is a good boy!" wailed the hyperactive criminal.

"I'm sick and tired of messing with my things! This time will make sure it doesn't happen again, yeah!"

The clay bird went flying through the air towards its target, the teen grinning and getting ready to utter the very words that would make the art explosive. However, it was plucked from the air, startling them both as a figure came out of the adjoining hall. "I leave for three days and you try to make this place light up like a firecracker, meanwhile you cause havoc by getting into things you're not supposed to."

"Tobi is sorry, Kana!"

Deidara stared wide-eye at the girl. Her perfectly black braided hair was in disarray, strands hanging loosely around her face and shoulders. There was a bruise on one of her cheeks, black eye forming. Yet the ninja's dark purple eyes were still sharp as ever. "What happened to you, un?"

Kana turned her attention back to the bomber. "Fucking Rock Ninja," she growled. "Is Kakuzu in?"

"Come with me, yeah." She was given an icepack, and a few stitches for a gash that was hidden under her shirt. "How bad was it, un?"

"I'm off missions for a week," Kana sighed, walking into her room. She headed straight for the bathroom, stripping off the dirty clothing.

"So then what are you going to do, un?"

Her head poked out from around the door. "Keep your ass in line by not blowing your partner sky high, idiot."

Deidara couldn't help but smirk. "I make no promises."

She rolled her eyes. "Of course not." The door closed, shower turning on.


"Damn it," Kana growled out, feeling something warm running down her arm. The ninja lunged from branch to branch, rushing back towards the hideout with haste. A Rain Ninja had been their target, giving the two a lot of problems. Especially when they discovered he wasn't alone, though the report had said otherwise. Overall the mission had been successful in the extermination, but if the teen didn't hurry up they would be in serious trouble. Deidara was bleeding out, his hunched over figure being draped across her shoulders.

"Hey! Stay with me, idiot!" she snapped, nudging his cheek roughly to catch his attention.

The bomber's eyesight was hazy, trying to get his baring and figuring out where he was. "Kana..." Deidara couldn't even form a full sentence.

The ninja gritted her teeth, chakra pumping through her legs to speed up. Though he wasn't the only one bleeding. Hidden from view, Kana had received a large gash in her side, loosing blood at a rapid pace with every step. But she couldn't stop. There was no time to waste.

Kana stumbled, cursing under her breath to regain her footing. If she fell, the criminal was sure getting up wouldn't be an option. "Listen to me Deidara, don't even think about it! Skipping out on me is not an option! You die now and I will make sure to bring you back from the grave and kill you myself, you idiot!"

The teen felt a weak chuckle come from his chest, which made Kana more determined to get back to the hideout before he lost consciousness.

The doorway was in her sights, which was warping now from the loss of blood. It was getting hard to focus, her head shaking to try and ward it away. They were so close. Her exposed shoulder roughly collided with the door, forcing it open with a bang and alerting those inside that they had returned. But Kana didn't stop, rushing down the hall towards the infirmary and hoping to find Kakuzu along the way.

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