Yokai [Kiba Inuzuka] for awesomefunnygirl

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The sheets felt cool against my skin, a breeze coming from the cracked open window. Slowly stretching I looked over, finding the once empty bed beside me to be occupied. He was lying face up, one hand tucked behind the pillow, the other comfortably resting on his chest. Turning over I admired his relaxed features, lips barely parted. It always calmed me, knowing he was here, knowing he was safe. Though that's what one gets for marrying a ninja. The fear was always there when he was away, but the relief when he came home only fueled my fondness for him even more. I wouldn't have my life any other way.

My eyes were drawn to his toned stomach, honing in on the pale white scar just above the hip. It always reminded me of the first time we met...


In the dense forest along the boarder of the Land of Fire and the Hot Spring Country sat the purest land in all the Nations. It was rich with fertile soil, filled with all different types of plants that could heal almost every wound, the cleanest water, and inhabited with a variety of animal life. No one ever touched it though; it was off limits. Only those who specialized in the medical field were allowed to skim the outskirts. Though it wasn't as if ninja didn't travel through. No, their visits were constant, but they never stayed the night inside. It was a sacred place.

A wet dewdrop fell on the tip of someone's nose, eyes fluttering open. Two bright green eyes stared up into the treetops, fingers flexing over the damp grass. It was peaceful, lying in the field and listening to the birds chirping overhead. Sitting up, the girl looked around before grabbing the basket beside her. Spending the night outside in the forest was not uncommon to the girl during the warmer months.

Something crashed through the bushes a few feet away, startling the girl as a family of small marmots ran by at a frantic pace. The question was, what had spooked them?

Walking in the direction the animals had come, she found herself tracking their path through the underbrush. The bright red streak swiped across one of the trunks wasn't hard to miss in contrast with the lush green growth. Examining the print more it looked like it had been made by a human hand. She lined her fingers up to be sure, coming to the conclusion it had been made by a male based on the broad structure.

A strangled yelp sounded feet away, startling her before running towards it in haste. It was a boy, only a little older than her possibly, holding a puppy in his hands. Both were covered in bruises, blood pouring from their multiple wounds. Eyes carefully watching them, she had to be sure he wasn't a rogue of some kind. His head turned, panting heavily in an attempt to keep moving despite the pain. His headband bore the symbol of the Leaf Village, making her less worried to move forward. Though being a ninja would mean he might not like anyone approaching in this state. He could attack.

"Damn..." the teen breathed before pitching forward from blood loss, unable to continue. But he didn't hit the ground, something soft supporting his body, an earthly scent coming to his nose over the blood. His eyes cracked open, hazily getting a view at dark brown hair.

"Don't worry, I've got you."

Akamaru..." he groaned, too numb to move.

"You mean your dog? Don't worry, I've got him in my pouch." She bent down a little more, arms hooking under his legs. "I'm going to help the both of you."

The ninja passed out before he could say anything more. Shifting from foot to foot the girl took off into the forest.

Deep inside sat a small house, covered with leaves and vines, as if molding into the plant life itself. Quickly setting her guests on the couch, she set to work getting all the needed ingredients in order to heal them.

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